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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Street Vending Licenses

    By Appointment Only

    At the present time, access to City Hall is by appointment only. Please contact us at 602-262-4638 to make an appointment.

    ​​Who/What Requires a License?

    The City of Phoenix does not have or issue a general business/vending license.
    Vending licensing requirements and vending rules change depending on the vending location and type of regulated vending activity.

    Street Vending:  For vending in the street and not for vending on private property (see Mobile Vending) or on sidewalks (see Sidewalk Vending Downtown). There are two types of licensing categories for street vending:

    Street Vending Food: Peddling, vending, selling, displaying, or offering for sale any food product or toy between the curblines or, if none, then that portion of the right-of-way between the lateral boundary lines of the demarcated unsurfaced street.

    Street Vending Non-Food: Peddling, vending, selling, displaying, or offering for sale any item of tangible personal property or other thing of value, other than a food product or a toy, that occurs between the curblines, or, if none, then that portion of the right-of-way between the lateral boundary lines of the demarcated unsurfaced street.


    How do I get Started?


    Other Items You May Need

    From other City of Phoenix Departments:

    Building or Use Permit(s) from the Planning & Development Department

    From other State or County Agencies:

    Food Permits from Maricopa County Environmental Health

    Registration of LLC/Corporation with the AZ Corporation Commission

    State Privilege (Sales) Tax License