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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Mayor's Office Official Historian

    Headshot of Steve Schumacher

    Meet Steve Schumacher

    ​Steve Schumacher is the inaugural Mayor's Office Official Historian and grew up in West Phoenix. He has always been a historian at heart and channels his passion to raise awareness of Phoenix's history for all citizens and visitors. Since his appointment, Steve has been actively engaging and educating the community about the unique history that has shaped Phoenix as we know it today. His projects have included recovering the first Phoenix flag from more than 100 years ago and creating a 30-minute history special about the city.

    Steve is an avid reader, enjoys doing crossword puzzles, public speaking, and exercising daily. He is an Arizona State University alumnus and has two adult children.

    Headshot of Steve Schumacher

    About the Mayor's Office Official Historian

    The Mayor's Office Official Historian is an appointed position that was created in 2022 by Mayor Kate Gallego. The Historian oversees projects to educate the community about Phoenix's past. This involves working closely with all City of Phoenix departments, school districts, history-related organizations, and businesses to enhance cultural awareness throughout the community. 

    “I have always believed the future of Phoenix builds on the strong foundation of its past, beginning with the ancient indigenous peoples who first lived here. By understanding our unique cultural history and traditions, we can celebrate in a way that helps residents learn, understand, and respect our past," said Mayor Gallego.

    The Mayor's Office Official Historian is the point-of-contact for anyone who would like to learn or share more about Phoenix history​