
City Auditor Department​​

Historic City HallThe Department's primary service is to conduct audits of departments, programs and contractors citywide. Audit reports provide independent and objective feedback, as well as recommendations to reduce operational and financial risks and to promote efficient use of City resources. The Department also manages the external contract for the Federal Single Audit and the City Financial Statement Audit required by federal law and City Charter, respectively.​​

​Contact City Auditor Department

City Auditor Department
140 N. Third Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Send us a question or comment
Phone: 602-262-6641
Fax: 602-534-1533
TTY: Use 7-1-1

Integrity Line: 1-833-666-4575



The Department provides independent and objective feedback to assist City management in meeting objectives, efficiently and ethically managing public assets, and reducing the organization's risk.

Other Services

The Department provides a variety of consulting services, including cost model development, user fee cost recovery analysis, process and financial analysis, risk assessment and mitigation analyses, and focus group facilitation.

The Department also conducts independent administrative hearings of utility billing protests, false alarm police response fees, loud party police response fees, and seized property possession claims. Other special hearings include Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification and sanction appeals and ground transportation permit disputes.


Small Business Certification

Are you a small business?  The Equal Opportunity Department (EOD) offers certification services at no cost.  For more information, visit https://www.phoenix.gov/eod/programs or call 602-262-6790.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

The Equal Opportunity Department (EOD) administers the city’s ADA Compliance Program.  The program ensures that all city programs, services and activities are accessible for people with disabilities in compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 o​f the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Arizonans with Disabilities Act.  For more information, visit https://www.phoenix.gov/eod/services/disabilitiesact or call 602-256-4126.