At the present time, access to City Hall is by appointment only. Please contact us at 602-262-4638 to make an appointment.
Auction House and Auctioneer Licenses
By Appointment Only
Who/What Requires a License?
Auction Houses: Any establishment in which is carried on the business of auctioning articles for sale by public outcry where the articles offered for auction are sold immediately to the highest bidder.
Auctioneers: Any person who, as a principal or agent, offers any article for sale by public outcry where the articles offered at auction are sold immediately to the highest bidder. Auctioneers are not required to be licensed if they provide the services of an auctioneer while employed at an auction house licensed by the City of Phoenix and in the conduct of business of that auction house.
Application Packet & Process
Other Items You May Need:
From other City of Phoenix Departments:
Building or Use Permit(s) from the Planning & Development Department
From other State or County Agencies:
State Privilege (Sales) Tax License
Registration of LLC/Corporation with the AZ Corporation Commission