At the present time, access to City Hall is by appointment only. Please contact us at 602-262-4638 to make an appointment.
Massage Establishment and Manager Licenses
By Appointment Only
Who/What Requires a License?
Massage Establishment: Any place of business or establishment wherein massage or touching techniques (P.C.C. 10-16.8) or massage therapy (P.C.C. 10-16.12) are administered, practiced or used, or from which is dispatched a person for the purpose of administering, practicing or using any of the subjects or methods of treatment listed for them in P.C.C. 10-16.
Massage Establishment Manager: An individual authorized by the licensee to exercise overall operational control of the business, to supervise employees, or to fulfill any of the functions required of a manager.
Application Packet & Process
License Information Update Form
Other Items You May Need:
From other City of Phoenix Departments:
Building or Use Permit(s) from the Planning & Development Department
From other State or County Agencies:
State Privilege (Sales) Tax License
Registration of LLC/Corporation with the AZ Corporation Commission