Community Outreach

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Events -- Requests to have fire department at my event

Did you ever wonder how you might be able to get a fire truck at your event?  Not all events can be attended, fire trucks attend on-duty and may have to leave suddenly. Please allow 4 weeks in advance for scheduling.

Submit an event request here.

Fire Station Tours or Ride-Alongs How do I schedule a tour?

​​All requests for Fire Station Tours or Ride-Alongs must utilize this process. 

1.  Print the Application and Waiver forms (link below).

2.  Fill out and sign both forms.

3.  Mail, drop off, or email signed copies to Phoenix Fire Investigations for approval.

4.  Be cleared to enter the station with approval from the Phoenix Fire Department.​

Printable Application and Waiver here.

Schedule a Fire Station Community Room

Did you know you can reserve a picnic area or ball field with City Of Phoenix Parks for your personal use?  To request the use of a fire station community room for a community related event contact Debbie Keating via email:​​

Senior Citizens

The city has a number of services available for our Senior Citizens, How do I find programs for Seniors? Download a Medical Information Form.

Caring for Kids
Youth Firesetter Intervention Program

A youth fire setter is a child under the age of 18, who accidentally or purposely starts a fire.  Each year youth set fires cause hundreds of injuries and deaths and destroy millions of dollars worth of property.  Since 1979, the Phoenix Fire Department's Youth Firesetter Intervention Program has been dedicated to assisting youth and their families with the issues related to fire curiosity, fire experimentation, and fire setting.

Child Immunizations / Vaccinations  

Fire Engine red promo for baby shots - Don't Compromise, Immunize 

The Phoenix Fire Department members discovered that the percentage of children appropriately immunized in Arizona was extremely low. Having always been proactive in meeting the needs of the community, a free childhood immunization program was developed and implemented. Vaccines are provided through "Vaccine for Children" which is a federally funded program for the uninsured.