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    Policies and Procedures

    Number, Title, Revision Date

    Rules and Regulations

    100.00, Volume 1 Index, 01/25 - N

    100.01, Volume 1 Template, 9/24 - N

    102.01, Rules of Conduct, 12/18 - R

    102.01A, Employee Contact with Elected Officials, 4/06 - R

    102.02, Uniforms, Insignias and Hair Regulations, 7/09 - R

    102.02B, Uniform Committee, 4/07 - R

    102.03, Outside Employment, 8/07 - R

    102.04, Change of Employee Data, 3/06 - R

    102.05, Employee Discipline, 9/09 - R

    102.05B, Complaint Management Process, 1/22 - R

    102.05C, Property Liability Claims, 4/06 - R

    102.06, Use of Privately Owned Vehicles on Fire Department Business, 11/08 - R

    102.07, Driver's License, 6/19 - R

    102.07A, Vehicles - Overnight (Take Home) Permit, 9/22 - R

    102.09A, Historical Item Conservation & Preservation, 7/03 - R

    102.10, Outside Agency Commendations/Critiques, 11/08 - R

    102.12, Electronic Communications and Internet Usage Policy, 6/19 - R

    102.13, Emergency Access Key Security, 10/20 - R

    102.14, Procurement Card (P-Card) Usage, 5/21 - N

    Leave Management

    103.01, Vacation, 2/23 - R

    103.02, Sick Leave/56 Hour Member, 10/21 - R

    103.02A, Sick Leave/Emergency Sick Leave, 7/07 - R

    103.02B, Bereavement, 7/24 - R

    103.02C, Extended Sick Leave, 2/23 - R

    103.02D, Sick Leave/40-Hour Employees, 2/23 - R

    103.02E, Pregnant Fire Department Members, 12/19 - R

    103.02F, Alternate Assignment Review Committee, 9/24 - R

    103.04, Long Term Disability, 11/08 - R

    103.05, Shift Trades/Absence with Relief (AWRs), 5/24 - R

    103.06, Industrial Leave, 2/23 - R

    103.07, Maximum Allowable Hours Worked, 7/24 - R

    103.10, Local 493 Day Procedure, 3/23 - R

    Payroll and Assignments

    104.01, Overtime, 12/14 - R

    104.01A, Court Standby, 11/08 - R

    104.02, Assignments, 4/24 - R

    104.02A, Assignments - Job Descriptions, 5/22 - R

    104.02B, Alternate Duty Program, 2/24 - R

    104.02C, Special Assignments, 5/22 - R

    104.02D, Employment Relationship of Family Members, 11/08 - R

    104.02E, Field Incident Technician Assignment Procedure, 4/06 - R

    104.02F, Seniority, 10/20 - R

    104.02G, C957 Assignment Procedure, 5/22 - N

    104.03, Constant Staffing, 9/09 - R

    104.03A, Command Officer Deployment (Emergency Services Shifts), 1/25 - R

    104.03B, Emergency Reserve Program, 11/23 - R


    105.01, Health and Wellness Center, 3/22 - R

    105.01A, Member Services/Member Assistance Program, 10/18 - R

    105.01C, Alternative Dispute Resolution Process, 11/08 - R

    105.02, Member Death - Initial Action, 2/18 - R

    105.02A, Disposition of the Personal Effects of Deceased Members, 11/08 - R

    105.02B, Line of Duty Death - Investigation, 11/08 - R

    105.02C, Communicating Serious Illness or Injury of Fire Department Members, 4/06 - R

    105.02D, Fire Department Chaplain, 10/07 - R

    105.03, Retirement and Separation with Attachment, 1/25 - R

    105.04, Pension/ Board Elections, 6/20 - R

    105.05, Employee and Citizen Recognition, 9/18 - R

    105.05A, Records of Exceptional Performance (Green Sheets), 12/18 - R

    105.06, Access to Fire Department Human Resource Files, 6/19 - R

    105.07, Cadet Program and Procedures, 3/23 - R

    105.07A, Cadet Riding Procedures, 2/23 - R

    105.09, Position Reclassification, 4/06 - R

    105.10, Re-Employment Policy, 11/08 - R

    105.11, Removing Documentation from Personnel Files, 9/13 - R

    105.15, Smoking Ordinance, 9/18 - R

    105.16, Labor Management Team Procedure, 7/23 - R

    105.17, Harrassment-Free Environment, 10/07 - R

    105.18, Social Media Policy, 6/15 - N

    Administrative Services

    106.05, Interview Requests and Subpoenas, 1/25 - R

    106.09, Media Request Guidelines, 6/19 - R

    Public Information and Education

    107.01, Fire Station Use and Function, 12/19 - R

    107.02A, Ride-Along Program, 7/24 - R

    107.03, Charitable Contributions, 9/18 - N

    Safety/Physical Fitness

    110.01, Vehicle Accident Reporting, 4/09 - R

    110.02, Personal Injury Reporting, 6/22 - R

    110.03, Firearms, 4/06 - R

    110.07, Hazard Communication Program, 5/22 - R

    110.15, Safety Management System, 7/16 -R

    110.16, Hearing Conservation Program, 5/22 - R

    110.17, Physical Training/Safety, 4/06 - R

    110.18, Reporting Violent Acts, 6/20 - R


    111.03, Peer Review Process, 9/18 - R

    City Administrative Regulations (ARs)

    2.39, National Guard, Military Reserve Training and Active Duty Call Up, 2/22 - N

    Number, Management Procedures, Revision Date

    Health and Fitness

    1-A01.01, Introduction, 1/12 - R

    1-A01.02, Policy, 6/11 - R

    1-A02.01, Musculoskeletal Injuries, 1/12 - R

    1-A02.02, Coronary Artery Disease, 1/12 - R

    1-A02.03, Cancer, 1/98 - N

    1-A02.04, Heat Disorders, 1/98 - N

    1-A02.05, Noise Stress, 1/98 - N

    1A02.06, Emotional Stress, 1/12 - R

    1A02.07, Obesity, 1/98 - N


    1-A03.01, Overview, 1/12 - R

    1A03.02, Carbohydrates, 6/04 - R

    1-A03.03, Fats, 1/98 - N

    1-A03.04, Proteins, 1/98 - N

    1-A03.05, Vitamins, 1/12 - R

    1-A03.06, Minerals, 1/12 - R

    1-A03.07, Water, 2/04 - R

    1-A03.08, Food Fallacies, 1/98 - N

    Exercise Basics

    1-A04.01, Overview, 1/98 - N

    1-A04.02, Specificity Principle, 1/98 - N

    1-A04.03, Warm-Up, 1/98 - N

    1-A04.04, Stretching, 1/98 - N

    1-A04.05, Cool-Down, 1/98 - N

    1-A04.06, Over-Training, 8/97 - N

    1-A04.07, Safety Equipment, 8/97 - N

    Fitness Program Design

    1-A05.01, Overview, 8/97 - N

    1-A05.02, Strength and Power, 8/97 - N

    1-A05.03, Aerobic Training, 8/97 - N

    1-A05.04, Lifestyle Approach, 8/97 - N

    1-A05.05, Fitness Menu, 8/97 - N

    Fitness Program Trainer

    1-A06.01, Overview, 3/12 - Omitted

    Fitness Evaluation Methods

    1-A07.01, Overview, 1/98 - N

    1-A07.02, Annual Physical, 1/12 - N

    Fitness Equipment

    1-A08.01, Inventory and Maintenance, 3/12 - R

    1-A08.02, Repairs, 3/12 - R

    1-A08.03, Requests for Removal, 3/12 - R

    1-A08.04, Inventory, 3/12 - R

    1-A08.05, Weekly Maintenance Checklist, 3/12 - Omitted

    1-A08.06, Requests for Purchase, 4/12 - N

    Number, Management Procedures, Revision Date

    Command Procedures

    Index, 1/25

    Volume II Book, 1/25

    201.00, Customer Service Management, 10/15 - R

    201.01, Command Procedures, 1/18 - R

    201.01A, In-Transit, On Deck, Company Recycle, 5/21 - R

    201.01B, Mayday Readiness and Response, 1/14 - N

    201.01C, Risk Management and Safety, 1/18 - R

    201.01D, Fire Behavior Glossary Reference, 1/22 - N

    201.02, Emergency Operations Plan, 3/21 - R

    201.02A, Emergency Deployment, 3/21 - R

    201.02B, Emergency Power Outage, 11/14 - R

    201.03, Accountability, 1/21 - R

    201.04, 2 In/2 Out, 1/14 - R

    201.05, Basic Sector

    201.05A, Incident Safety Officer System, 5/11 - R

    201.05B, Support Sector, 4/18 - R

    201.05C, Lobby Sector, 11/14 - R

    201.05D, Environmental Sector, 11/14 - R

    201.05E, Evacuation Sector, 11/14 - R

    201.05F, Information Sector, 9/98 - R

    201.05G, Critique Sector/Incident Analysis, 3/02 - R

    201.05H, Welfare Sector, 6/18 - R

    201.05I, Fire Threat Liaison Officer (TLO), 2/21 - R

    201.06, 3 Deep Deployment Model & Additional Resources, 5/21 - R

    201.07, Air Operations, 9/01 - R

    201.08, Post Incident Review, 8/96 - R

    202.00, Fire Operations

    202.01, Standard Company Functions, 1/18 - R

    202.02, Fireground Factors, 1/18 - R

    202.02A, Tactical Objectives, 1/18 - R

    202.02B, Fireground Strategy, 1/18 - R

    202.02C, Rescue, 3/22 - R

    202.04, Fire Control, 12/22 - R

    202.04A, Large Space Building Cold Smoke Fires, 12/21 - N

    202.04B, Basement and Below Grade Fires, 1/25 - N

    202.05, Fireground Safety, 12/21 - R

    202.05A, Thermal Imaging Camera Deployment, 9/03 - N

    202.05B, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), 1/21 - R

    202.05C, Air Management, 1/18 - R

    202.06, Roof Sector, 10/24 - R

    202.07, Resource Sector, 11/14 - R

    202.08, Rehabilitation Sector, 6/19 - R

    202.09, Support Activities, 10/99 - R

    202.10, Attack Teams, 11/14 - R

    202.11, High-Rise Plans, 6/24 - R

    202.12, Loss Control, 4/95 - N

    202.12A, Salvage, 8/22 - R

    202.12B, Overhaul, 8/22 - R

    202.12C, Occupant Services Sector, 5/95 - R

    202.12D, Positive Pressure Ventilation - Out For Review, 5/95 - R

    202.12E, Water Supply and Fire Stream Management, 3/21 - R

    202.12F, Handling Pets and Other Animals, 5/95 - R

    202.13, Fire Cause Investigation, 2/10 - R

    202.14, Training Fires, 10/04 - R

    202.14A, Training Academy On-Site Burn Building Fires, 8/96 - R

    202.14B, On-Site Flashover Chamber Fires, 8/96 - R

    202.15, Brush & Wildland Fires, 4/20 - R

    202.15A, Brush Fire Air Support, 12/12 - R

    202.15B, Urban-Interface Deployment, 4/20 - N

    202.15C, Red Flag Warnings, 4/20 - N

    202.16, Car Fires, 4/23 - R

    202.17, Aircraft Emergencies, 12/12 - R

    202.18, High Piled Outside Combustible Storage Fires, 4/18 - R

    202.18A, Tire Fires, 5/18 - R

    202.18B, Mulch/Compost Fires, 4/18 - R

    202.19, C99 Capability and Function, 11/19 - N

    202.19A, Emergency Access Key Usage and Fire Alarms, 11/19 - N

    202.20, Mid Rise Operations, 12/21 - N

    202.20C, Personal Mobility Devices and Lithium-ion Batteries, 7/23 - N

    203.00, Medical Operations

    203.01, EMS Responsibilities, 3/00 - R

    203.02, Triage Sector, 11/24 - R

    203.03, Extrication Sector, 3/00 - R

    203.04, Treatment Sector, 3/00 - R

    203.05, Transportation Sector, 3/00 - R

    203.05A, Transportation Sector Branch/Multiple Site Coordination, 3/00 - R

    203.06, Medical Supply Sector, 3/00 - N

    203.06A, Medical Safety Officer, 10/04 - N

    204.00, Special Operation -- Hazardous Materials

    204.01, Hazardous Materials, 4/98 - R

    204.01A, Hazardous Materials Evacuation, 11/96 - R

    204.01B, Hazardous Materials Decontamination, 4/18 - R

    204.01C, Hazardous Materials Special Considerations, 4/98 - R

    204.02, Mercury Releases, 7/94 - N

    204.03, Radiological Hazards, 4/98 - R

    204.03A, Radiological Decontamination, 4/98 - R

    204.04, Flammable Liquid Incidents, 3/09 - R

    204.04A, Application of Class B Foam-AFF Containing PFAS, 12/24 - N

    204.05, Natural Gas Emergencies, 5/21 - R

    204.06, Monitoring Atmospheric Conditions, 10/97 - R

    204.07, Clandestine Drug Laboratories, 6/97 - R

    204.00, Technical Rescue Incidents

    204.08, Confined Space Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    204.09, Trench Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    204.10, Mountain Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    204.11, Water Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    204.12, Structural Collapse Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    204.13, Tree Rescue Operations, 7/11 - R

    205.00, Communication Deployment and Response

    205.01, Communications, 10/10 - R

    205.02, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Dispatch Procedures, 10/97 - R

    205.03, Medical Incident Communications, 10/97 - R

    205.04, Rescue Communications, 3/03 - R

    205.04A, Hospital Diversion Management Plan, 7/99 - N

    205.05, Fire Department Response to MCSO Jail Facilities, 2/24 - R

    205.05A, Deployment, 10/97 - R

    205.05B, Overhaul & Standby on Major Incidents, 5/95 - N

    205.06, Staging Levels I and II, 3/03 - R

    205.06A, Staging Sector, 3/03 - R

    205.07, Apparatus Placement, 1/95 - R

    205.07A, Safe Parking While Operating in or Near Vehicle Traffic, 4/18 - R

    205.08, Driver Safety, 12/21 - R

    205.08A, Spotting Fire Department Apparatus, 8/20 - R

    205.08B, Emergency Transportation Safe Customer Escort, 4/18 - R

    205.09, Adaptive Response Units, 9/09 - R

    205.10, Ladder Tender Response, 3/03 - R

    205.11, Water Tender Response, 1/95 - R

    205.13, Sky Harbor Airport Response, 12/12 - R

    205.13A, Goodyear Airport Response, 12/12 - R

    205.13B, Deer Valley Airport Response, 12/12 - R

    205.13C, Glendale Airport Response, 12/12 - R

    205.14, Foam Unit Response -- Off Airport, 12/12 - R

    205.15, Freeway Response, 12/98 - R

    205.15A, Papago Tunnel Response, 4/17 - R

    205.16, District Van Response, 9/00 - R

    205.17, Mutual Aid Response, 11/24 - R

    205.18, Assisting Other Agencies, 3/09 - R

    205.19, Water Department Communications Hazardous Materials Incidents, 3/00 - R

    205.20, Response to Power Lines/Energized Electrical Equipment, 3/09 - R

    205.20A, Battery Evergy Storage Systems, 4/23 - R

    205.20B, Photovoltaic Installations, 4/23 - N

    205.21, Portable Radios, 5/18 - R

    205.22, Surgical Emergency Medical Response, 12/19 - N

    205.23, Company Functions & Deployment of MR & LA Units, 5/22 - N

    205.24, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), 12/24 - N

    206.00, Special Considerations

    206.01, Operations at Violent Incidents, 1/18 - R

    206.01A, Guidelines for Civil Unrest, 8/20 - N

    206.02, Fireground Exposure Reduction, 11/19 - N

    206.03, Supervising Less Experienced Personnel, 9/96 - R

    206.03A, Recruit Training Vehiculars, 3/09 - N

    206.05, Operating Power Saws, 5/93 - R

    206.06, Protective Clothing Inspection Program, 5/18 - R

    206.08, Tank Farm Response, 1/04 - R

    206.09, Police Assistance/Explosive Materials, 3/12 - R

    206.09A, Police Department Special Assignment Unit (SAU) Operations, 3/12 - R

    206.10, Youth Firesetter Program, 2/01 - R

    206.11, Emergency Foster Care, 10/96 - R

    206.13, Hydraulic Rescue Tool, 5/93 - R

    206.14, Africanized Honey Bees, 5/21 - R

    206.16, Toxic Exposure Investigation Program, 1/19 - R

    206.16A, Tracking of A-Symptomatic Bio-Exposure Patients, 7/03 - N

    206.18, Pre-planning for Emergencies, 10/97 - N

    206.19, Heat Stress Management, 5/22 - R

    206.20, Community Assistant Program (CR Units), 1/13 - R

    206.21, Light Rail Operations, 12/21 - R

    206.22, Stalled Elevator Operations, 1/24 - N

    206.23, Mass Casualty Response and Reunification, 4/24 - N

    207.00, Weapons of Mass Destruction

    207.01A, Hazardous Materials Weapons of Mass Destruction Chemical, Biological, Radiological -- Response Operations, 7/03 - N

    207.01B, Hazardous Materials Weapons of Mass Destruction Chemical, Biological, Radiological -- Personnel and Equipment Decontamination, 7/03 - N

    207.01C, Hazardous Materials Weapons of Mass Destruction Chemical, Biological, Radiological -- NBC Agent Descriptions and Treatment Protocols, 4/18 - R

    208.01, Review and Revision Timeline, 12/18 - R