Our partnerships have led to sustainable and affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities. The enthusiasm and dedication of our Housing Department staff and Executive Management team make it all possible. We look forward to continuing to provide Phoenix residents with quality housing options.
About the Housing Department

City of Phoenix Housing Department programs provide public housing, Section 8 housing vouchers, affordable rental apartments and single-family homes to more than 35,000 area residents. This includes partnering with non-profit and for-profit community organizations on the preservation and development of affordable housing units.
Contact Us
Housing Administration
Calvin C. Goode Building
251 W. Washington St. 4th Fl., Phoenix, AZ 85003
602-262-6794 | housing@phoenix.gov
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Office
830 E. Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85034
Elenia Sotelo | Deputy Housing Director
Property Management
Marla Tannenbaum | Deputy Housing Director
Development Programs: HOPE VI | HOME | CDBG | HOPWA | Choice Neighborhoods | Rental Assistance Demonstration
Angela Duncan | Deputy Housing Director
Management Services
Vacant | Deputy Housing Director
Affordable Housing
Samantha Keating | Deputy Housing Director
Asset Management
Wendell Hill | Deputy Housing Director
Housing Supportive Services
Zona Pacheco | Housing Manager - Supportive Services