- 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-7233
- Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence – mission to end sexual and domestic violence in Arizona by dismantling oppression and promoting equity among all people https://www.acesdv.org/
- Arizona Department of Economic Security - Domestic Violence Support | Arizona Department of Economic Security (az.gov)
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - Confidential 24/7 Support – 800-656-4673
- New Life Center - one of the largest domestic violence shelters in the country with 104-beds. In addition to shelter and safety, New Life Center provides the necessary living needs for all its residents. https://www.newlifectr.org/lay-legal-advicacy
- Paint Phoenix Purple – the City of Phoenix's strategic initiative to bring awareness to domestic violence, uplift and support survivors and their families, and emphasize important conversations to prevent and end domestic violence. https://www.phoenix.gov/paintphoenixpurple
Community Resources
- ARIZONA@WORK - the statewide workforce development network that helps employers of all sizes and types recruit, develop and retain the best employees for their needs. For job seekers throughout the state, ARIZONA@WORK provides services and resources to pursue employment opportunities. https://arizonaatwork.com/
- Career Connectors - dedicated to connecting professionals in career transition to hiring companies and quality resources https://careerconnectors.org/
- City of Phoenix Job Opportunities - https://www.phoenix.gov/jobs
- Head Start Birth to Five Program - City of Phoenix Head Start Birth to Five Program provides comprehensive early childhood development and family support services to income-eligible families with children ages 0-5 and at-risk pregnant women. https://www.phoenix.gov/headstart
- MyCareerAdvisor.com - https://www.mycareeradvisor.com/login
- Southwest Human Development - Arizona's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to early childhood development. https://www.swhd.org/
- Arizona Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP) - works to improve the health of low-income persons who are at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with a monthly package of nutritious food at no cost. https://des.az.gov/senior-food-program
- Arizona Food Bank Network - a coalition of regional food banks, food pantries and agencies, working to address hunger in Arizona. https://azfoodbanks.org/get-food/
- Desert Mission Food Bank - offers several free and reduced cost food programs, nutrition education, and resource and referral services https://www.desertmission.com/programs/food-bank/
- Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) - a federally funded program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost. https://des.az.gov/emergency-food
- Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest - for those going through a crisis or transition in life and looking for help. https://www.lss-sw.org/get-help#rent
- Nutrition Assistance (formerly the Food Stamp Program) - provides eligible households with monthly benefits they can use to purchase nutritious food. https://des.az.gov/na
- Phoenix Rescue Mission - life-transforming solutions to people facing hunger, homelessness, addiction and trauma https://phoenixrescuemission.org/about/
- St. Mary's Food Bank - serves to alleviate hunger through the gathering and distribution of food while encouraging self-sufficiency, collaboration, advocacy and education. https://www.firstfoodbank.org/get-help/
- St. Vincent de Paul - harnesses the power of community and partnerships to feed, clothe, house and heal individuals and families in the community who have nowhere else to turn for help. https://www.stvincentdepaul.net/
- 2-1-1 Community Information and Referral Helpline – 2-1-1 Arizona operators help individuals and families find local resources and provide connections to critical services. https://211arizona.org/
- Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) – https://des.az.gov/
- Community Legal Services (CLS) - helps low income Arizonans obtain safe, decent housing. The agency empowers future and current tenants and homeowners through education, legal representation, brief service, and community partnerships https://clsaz.org/legal-practice-areas/housing-law/
- FindHelp - Search and connect to support including food assistance, medical services, affordable housing and more. https://www.findhelp.org/
- Wildfire AZ - partners with community and faith based organizations to ensure individuals and families who need supportive services have access to them. https://wildfireaz.org/
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. Call or Text 988 https://988lifeline.org/
- Arizona Department of Health Services – health and wellness for all Arizonians https://www.azdhs.gov/index.php
- Circle the City - provides healthcare services and hope to thousands of men, women and children facing homelessness in Maricopa County https://circlethecity.org/
- LGBT National Help Center – free and confidential peer-support, information, and local resources through national hotlines and online programs https://www.lgbthotline.org/
- Mission of Mercy – provides free healthcare, free dental care and free prescription medications to the uninsured, underinsured and those who “fall through the cracks" of the healthcare system. https://www.amissionofmercy.org/arizona/
- Mercy Care Crisis Services - Are you or a loved one in a behavioral health crisis? This is when you think you might hurt yourself or someone else. Or you're feeling overwhelmed and find it hard to cope with stress. Call a crisis line for help. You're not alone. Someone can help you by phone or text 24 hours day, 7 days a week to provide crisis help, support and referrals. https://www.mercycareaz.org/wellness/crisis
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. https://nami.org/About-Mental-Illness
- Teen Lifeline – works to prevent teen suicide in Arizona through enhancing resiliency in youth and fostering supportive communities https://teenlifeline.org/
- WIC Arizona - The Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods and referrals to health and social services. WIC serves pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women; infants; and children under the age of five. https://www.azdhs.gov/prevention/azwic/
- 24/7 Youth Hotline – 602-841-5799 – services and shelter for homeless youth ages 12-17.
- André House – services for the homeless and poor populations of the Phoenix area. https://andrehouse.org/
- Brian Garcia Welcome Center – 602-229-5155 – resources include mental health, medical and dental, employment, identification, legal, and many other services.
- Central Arizona Shelter Services - CASS is Arizona's largest and longest serving emergency shelter program serving people experiencing homelessness. https://www.cassaz.org
- City of Phoenix Human Services Department - provides a co mpreh ensive array of services to help people meet emergency, short-and long-term needs. https://www.phoenix.gov/humanservices
- City of Phoenix Office of Homeless Solutions - provides support for people experiencing homelessness. Office of Homeless Solutions (phoenix.gov)
- East Valley Men's Center – providing a hand up to men experiencing homelessness https://www.turnanewleaf.org/services/housing-and-shelter/east-valley-mens-center/
- Family Housing HUB - one of Maricopa County's Coordinated Entry Points for families in Maricopa County with children under 18 years old, who are in need of homeless services, including emergency shelter. Family Housing Hub (fhhub.org)
- Human Services Campus (HSC) - Located in downtown Phoenix, HSC is a collaboration of social services to help individuals experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County. https://hsc-az.org/services/
- Family Promise - Transforming the lives of families experiencing homelessness. https://familypromise.org/
- Maricopa Association of Governments Need Help? Resources for those experiencing homelessness (azmag.gov)
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Connecting homeless and at-risk Veterans with housing solutions, health care, community employment services and other required supports. VA Homeless Programs
- City of Phoenix Housing Repair Programs - Neighborhood Services' Housing Rehabilitation Programs provide financial assistance to repair or replace heating and cooling, plumbing and electrical systems. We also remove dangers, make your home more energy-efficient and address property violations.
- HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agencies - housingcounseling
- Habitat For Humanities - a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home habitat.org
- Homeownership Assistance Fund (HAF) - provides help for homeowners who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19 after January 21, 2020. HAF is primarily a foreclosure prevention program. HAF funds can be used to pay homeowner mortgage delinquencies, property tax delinquencies, and HOA delinquencies that could result in foreclosure. https://haf.azhousing.gov
- Newtown CDC - a leading provider of homebuyer education, homeownership counseling, credit counseling, financial coaching, financial literacy education, and down-payment assistance. https://newtowncdc.org/
- Trellis - provides homeownership counseling, financial access, and neighborhood development. Regardless of income, education, or background, they help individuals and families across Arizona. https://trellisaz.org/about-us/
- Affordable Housing Online. Lists Section 8 waiting lists that are open or will be opening soon http://affordablehousingonline.com
- A New Leaf. Dedicated to helping families, children and adults in the community facing challenges of all kinds. turnanewleaf.org
- Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) has an online document with information to locate affordable housing across the state: AffordableHousingSearch&ResourcesBinder_1-2024.pdf (az.gov)
- Arizona Housing, Inc. Provides quality affordable housing coupled with comprehensive social services. https://www.azhousinginc.org/
- Chicanos Por La Causa – serving all housing needs from homelessness to homeownership Affordable Housing (cplc.org)
- Foundation For Senior Living - affordable housing options, homeownership and rental opportunities Affordable Senior Housing & Care Services Phoenix
- Homeward Bound. Serves the unique needs of families facing or experiencing homelessness with prevention, shelter, and after-care programs. homewardboundaz.org
- HOM INC. Operates Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Re-Housing programs for vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability. hominc.com
- Housing for Hope - a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to provide safe, beautiful, and affordable housing communities for families. https://housingforhopeaz.org/
- HousingSearch.AZ.gov - search Arizona housing to fit your needs and budget, from market-rate to affordable rentals, accessible units, disaster housing, accommodations for seniors and veterans, and more! This service is free to use. housingsearch.az.gov
- Lifewell - committed to developing healthy communities in Maricopa County by providing quality, affordable housing to individuals with disabilities. http://www.lifewell.us/our-services/housing/
- Mercy Housing - a leading affordable housing organization, working to eliminate homelessness and housing insecurity for low-income families, seniors, individuals, and people with disabilities. https://www.mercyhousing.org/
- Native American Connections (NAC) - improving the lives of individuals and families through Native American culturally competent behavioral health, affordable housing, and community development services. https://www.nativeconnections.org/
- Save the Family Foundation of Arizona - a leading provider of housing, case management and supportive services for homeless families. https://savethefamily.org/
- UMOM New Day Centers - restores hope and rebuilds lives by providing shelter, services, and affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness. umom.org
- City of Phoenix Human Services Department Landlord and Tenant Program provides one-on-one counseling and education to landlords and tenants regarding the Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act. landlordandtenantinfo
- Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) Emergency Rental Assistance Program https://des.az.gov/ERAP
- Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) manages the Emergency Rental and Eviction Prevention Program for the State. Learn more and find out if you qualify: https://housing.az.gov/general-public/rental-assistance-resources-eviction-prevention
- Family Service Centers - The Human Services Department offers a variety of social services to low-income households, experiencing crisis. Services are provided through three family services centers, each providing a broad range of assistance including utility, eviction prevention and/or move-in cost assistance.
- Valley of the Sun United Way - works with partners to decrease housing insecurity by investing in rent and utility assistance, housing navigators and eviction prevention. Also supports emergency shelters that help move households out of crisis. https://vsuw.org/get-help/resources/
- The Area Agency on Aging Region One - a non-profit organization that plans, develops, funds, administers, and coordinates programs and services in Maricopa County for adults, 60 years of age and older, family caregivers of older adults, adults ages 18-59 with physical disabilities and long-term care needs, and persons 18 years of age and over who have a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. https://www.aaaphx.org/
- Arizona Department of Economic Security Adult Protective Services - a program within the DES Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) and is responsible for investigating allegations of abuse, exploitation and neglect of vulnerable adults https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/adult-protective-services
- Arizona Department of Economic Security (Aging and Adult) - Home and Community-Based Services provides seniors help with daily activities while allowing many individuals to remain in their own homes or live with their families by reducing the need for institutional care. Home and Community Based Services
- Assisted Living in Arizona – View a directory of Assisted Living facilities in Arizona https://www.assistedliving.org/arizona/
- City of Phoenix Senior Centers – services include recreation and social activities, nutrition programs, educational opportunities, and social services such as emergency utility and rental assistance and eviction prevention/move-in assistance. Centers also provide case management services for areas such as employment, budgeting, social and life-skills development https://www.phoenix.gov/seniorprograms
- Duet AZ - offers free-of-charge volunteer services for homebound adults, as well as comprehensive services for family caregivers and grandparents raising grandchildren. https://duetaz.org/
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Resources to help seniors with housing needs, including programs to make it easier for you to stay in your home. Housing Resources for Seniors: Arizona
- Maricopa County Senior and Adult Services Programs Senior & Adult Services Programs | Maricopa County, AZ
- YMCA Outreach Programs for Aging Seniors (OPAS) - valleyYMCA.org/opas
- Dial-A-Ride - Phoenix DAR is a shared-ride service that allows you to schedule trips and to travel in small transit vehicles around the city. phoenix.gov/dialaride
- Valley Metro - the regional public transportation agency providing coordinated transit services to residents of metro Phoenix. https://www.valleymetro.org/
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Connecting homeless and at-risk Veterans with housing solutions, health care, community employment services and other required supports. VA Homeless Programs
- Arizona Department of Child Safety (Young Adult Program) - provides services to assist teens in foster care to develop the skills and competencies necessary for a successful transition to adulthood. https://dcs.az.gov/services/young-adult/young-adult-program
- Child Crisis Arizona - provides emergency shelter, foster care, adoption, counseling, early education, and parenting support services to Arizona's most vulnerable children, youth and families. https://childcrisisaz.org
All content provided on this page is for informational purposes only. The City of Phoenix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this page or found by following any link on this page, with the exception of links to information hosted at Phoenix.gov. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and the City of Phoenix will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of this web page.