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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Section 8 HCV Landlords

    ​​The city of Phoenix Housing Department provides rent subsidy payments to owners and landlords of privately owned buildings through its Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8). The city administers the voucher program and determines eligibility for the Section 8 program. The rental units are managed and leased by their owners, who screen tenants for suitability.

    Qualified tenants receive a Housing Choice Voucher from the city of Phoenix Housing Department and pay a portion (approximate 30 percent) of their income toward rent. The city of Phoenix Housing Department pays the difference between the tenant's rental portion (determined by the Housing Department) and the total contracted rent.

    The city of Phoenix Housing Department pays the rental subsidy or Housing Assistance Payment (HAP), directly to you or your designated payee each month under a HAP contract. No charges or fees are assessed to owners for services provided under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. As a Section 8 owner or landlord, you will rent to families in the Section 8 Program just as you would rent to families without the benefit of a housing subsidy. You sign a contract with the city of Phoenix Housing Department and a lease with the tenant. Your relationship with the tenant is virtually like the open market.

    Learn more about Housing Choice Voucher Program at​.​