Moving and Portability

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Effective April 11, 2024 , the City of Phoenix Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is administering and billing all portable vouchers. 

One of the many benefits to the Section 8 program is the ability to move with the housing assistance. It is most important to know what you can and cannot do when it comes to moving in this program. At any time, you can contact your housing representative and ask questions. Remember, do not give notice to move to your landlord until all your questions are answered and you have discussed it with your housing representative.​​​​​​  Portability documents may be emailed to

There are two options when you decide and are able to move:

1) Move within the city limits of Phoenix 

Participating families are allowed to move to another unit at the end of the initial 12-month lease term or for other reasons. The Housing Department will issue the family a new voucher if the family is in good standing such as not owing money and following the rules of the program. Here are some reasons that a participant may move other than at the end of the lease:
A. The unit is uninhabitable due to a recent fire or flood.
B. The landlord is selling the property; or, foreclosing on the property; or, will no longer be participating in the Section 8 program.
C. The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2005. 

2) Move outside of Phoenix or out-of-state

Section 8 Portability allows you to move to a unit outside the city limits of Phoenix and take your voucher with you. You are eligible for Section 8 Portability if you either lived in the city of Phoenix area when you first applied for a voucher or you have lived in your current unit on the Section 8 program longer than 12 months. If you are eligible, you can move anywhere in the country a Section 8 program exists.
Portability allows you to move closer to possible job, education or other opportunities. However, you should know that every housing agency has its own set of rules. For example:

  • Differing payment standards

  • Bedroom size may change

Please let the Housing Department know when you plan to move and which city or state will be your new home. You will be provided with a portability release form that needs to be completed and returned to the Housing Authority, allowing us to forward your paperwork to the new housing agency.