​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Community Resources​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Page subject to change. Page last updated on November 2​, 2022. See Disclaimer on this page for further information.


2-1-1- Community Information and Referral Helpline

2-1-1 Arizona operators will help individuals and families find resources that are available to them locally and throughout the state and provide connections to critical services. INFO: ​https://211arizona.org​ 

​Call:  ​​​Dial 2-1-1 within Arizona OR 1-877-211-8661 from anywhere​​

Family Services Centers​​

The Human Services Department offers a variety of social services to low-income households, experiencing crisis. Services are provided through three family services centers, geographically dispersed throughout the city. Each center provides a broad range of assistance with urgent needs including utility, eviction prevention and/or move-in cost assistance. INFO:www.phoenix.gov/humanservices/programs/emergency

​​Call:​​​ 602-534-AIDE(2433)​​​​

Landlord and Tenant Program

The City of Phoenix Human Services Department Landlord and Tenant Program provides one-on-one counseling and education to landlords and tenants regarding the Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act.​ INFO: www.phoenix.gov/humanservices/landlordandtenantinfo

​Call: 602-262-7210

Email: landlord.tenant.hsd@phoenix.gov​​

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If you are a Phoenix resident and are certified in meeting the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements,  Phoenix Dial-a-Ride (DAR) is a shared-ride service that allows you to schedule trips and travel in small transit vehicles around the city. Phoenix DAR is defined as a shared-ride service where a driver may pick up or drop off other passengers before taking you to your destination within the Phoenix DAR service area.​ ​INFO: www.phoenix.gov/dialaride

Call: 602-253-4000

Y OPAS Outreach Programs for Aging Seniors

Provides transportation (medical and non-medical), grocery shopping, friendly visiting and phone calling, paperwork and tech assistance, minor handyman assistance, additional volunteer opportunities available. INFO: valleyYMCA.org/opas

Call​: 602-212-6088


A New Leaf​

A New Leaf provides assistance to those most in need in our community, helping families, children, and adults overcome challenges they face whether it be the loss of a job, a medical crisis, domestic violence, homelessness or another crisis. INFO:https://www.turnanewleaf.org

Call: 480-969-4024

​Application for the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF)

The HAF program provides help for homeowners who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19 after January 21st, 2020. HAF is primarily a foreclosure prevention program. HAF funds can be used to pay homeowner mortgage delinquencies, property tax delinquencies, and HOA delinquencies that could result in foreclosure. INFO:https://haf.azhousing.gov​

Call: 833- 931-3600

Arizona Department of Child Safety- Young Adult Program​

The state of Arizona provides services to assist youth in foster care to develop the skills and competencies necessary for a successful transition to adulthood. Services are available to youth in foster care who are 14 or older and to former foster youth living in Arizona, who are under 21 years of age, and were in a state or tribal foster care system at age 16 or older. Services are also available to anyone who was adopted from a state foster care system at age 16 or older. The program providing these services is referred to as the Arizona Young Adult Program (YAP). INFO: https://dcs.az.gov/services/yap

Call: 602-255-2500

​Arizona Department of Economic Security​- Domestic Violence Services

The Domestic Violence Program offers services that include mobile and community-based advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency shelter and housing intervention services that consist of transitional housing and rapid rehousing. ​INFO: https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/shelter-housing/domestic-violence-services​

Call: 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline- 800-799-7233

Arizona Department of Economic Security- Home and Community-Based Services​

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provides help with daily activities while allowing many individuals to remain in their own homes or live with their families by reducing the need for institutional care. ​​INFO:https://des.az.gov/services/older-adults/home-community-based-services

Arizona Housing, Inc. 

Arizona Housing, Inc. is helping people attain true self-sufficiency by providing quality affordable housing coupled with comprehensive social services. 


Call: 602-228-7832​

Assisted Living Research Institute ​

Provides a comprehensive review of assisted living facilities in the state of Arizona. ​INFO:https://www.assistedliving.org/arizona/ 

Call: 855-221-9611

​​​​Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS)​​​

Serving single adults, families, children, young adults, veterans and seniors. INFO: www.cassaz.org

Call: 602-256-6945​​​

​Chicanos Por La Causa​

CPLC's Statewide Housing Programs serve all housing needs. INFO: https://www.cplc.org

Call: 602-257-0700

​City of Phoenix​​ Housing Department- Other Affordable Rental Opportunities 

​​​​​​​​​​​​The City of Phoenix is dedicated to providing quality affordable housing to low- and moderate-income families and seniors. Properties are owned by the city of Phoenix but managed by a private management company. All of our apartment communities are conveniently located throughout Phoenix. Applications for the Affordable Housing program properties are taken at each individual site. ​

INFO: Housing Department (phoenix.gov)​​

City of Phoenix Housing Department - Senior Housing

​​The Housing Department is dedicated to helping local seniors continue living an active and fulfilling life during their retirement years. Seniors have a variety of housing choices: 55+ communities, 62+ senior and disabled communities and family communities. 

INFO: ​https://www.phoenix.gov/housing/findingaffordablerental/seniors

City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department- Home Repair Program​​s

Housing Rehabilitation Programs offer financial assistance to repair or replace heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems, remove dangers, conserve resources, and address property violations. INFO: ​https://www.phoenix.gov/nsd/programs/housing-repair-programs

Call: 602-534-4444

Email: rehab.nsd@phoenix.gov

Community Legal Services​

CLS assists low income Arizonans obtain safe, decent housing. The agency empowers future and current tenants and homeowners through education, legal representation, brief service, and community partnerships. ​INFO: https://clsaz.org/legal-practice-areas/housing-law/

Call: 602-258-3434

Duet AZ

Providing free-of-charge services to homebound adults, family caregivers, faith communities and grandfamilies. 

INFO: https://duetaz.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2ITvzcvB-AIVMQJ9Ch20pARoEAAYASAAEgJtafD_BwE​

Call: 602-274-5022

Family Housing Hub

Provides help to families with children under 18 years old who are at risk of or are currently experiencing homelessness. INFO:www.fhhub.org

Call: 602-595-8700

Family Promise

Provides prevention services before families reach crisis, shelter when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent. ​INFO: https://familypromise.org/what-we-do/

Call: 480-659-5227​

​Habitat For Humanity​​

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home.​ INFO: ​​https://www.habitat.org

Call: 602-268-9022

​H​​OME, Inc. ​

Operates Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing programs for vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability. INFO: https://www.hominc.com/​

Call: 602-265-4640

Housing Resources For Seniors: Arizona

Resources provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. INFO: ​https://www.hud.gov/states/arizona/homeownership/seniors


Lifewell’s Community Living programs offer personal support services that are home and site-based incorporating skill-building services designed to enhance independent living skills and gain community independence. INFO: https://www.lifewell.us/housing/​

Call: 602-808-2800

​​Maricopa County Senior & Adult Services Programs​

SAIL Case Management services help individuals live independently in their own homes by coordinating needed services and assistance with daily living activities. The program provides case management services to individuals age 60 and older and individuals aged 18-59 with a diagnosed disability. Priority is given to persons with the greatest economic and social need. ​INFO: ​https://www.maricopa.gov/3448/Senior-Adult-Services-Programs

Call: 602-506-5911

The Area Agency on Aging

Serves as the central information and resource center for finding services and assistance for older adults, adults aged 18+ with HIV/AIDS, adults aged 18+ with disabilities and long-term care needs, and family caregivers throughout Maricopa County, AZ.​​​ INFO:https://www.aaaphx.org/

Call: ​24-Hour Senior Help Line ​602-264-4357


Provides homeownership counseling, financial access and neighborhood development. ​INFO: https://trellisaz.org/#

Call: 602-258-1659

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development- Housing Counseling Services

The nationwide network of HUD participating housing counseling agencies help provide answers needed to make informed housing decisions. INFO: https://hudgov-answers.force.com/housingcounseling/s/

Call: 202-708-1112​


UMOM provides shelter, services and affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness. INFO: ​​https://umom.org​

Call: 602-275-7852

Valley of the Sun United Way

INFO: https://vsuw.org

Call: 602-631-4800

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ShelterEmergency Shelter

Central Arizona Shelter Services ​ 

Shelter services for men & women. INFO: www.cassaz.org

Call: 602-256-6945​​

East Valley Men Center 

A New Leaf’s East Valley Men’s Center is a safe haven for men facing homelessness as they re-integrate into the community. When men arrive at the facility, they are provided with a bed and storage area for their personal possessions that they are able to keep for the entire duration of their stay. The first step to entering the East Valley Men’s Center is to complete a prescreen. You can fill out the prescreen online, or you can call between 8am- 3pm Monday through Friday to complete it by phone. ​INFO: www.turnanewleaf.org/services/housing-and-shelter/east-valley-mens-center/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhpLI4KSt-AIVZQp9Ch2ZkworEAAYASAAEgL-TvD_BwE 

​Call: 480-610-6722

A New Leaf's La Mesita apartments for families. INFO: www.turnanewleaf.org/services/ 

Call: 480-834-8723

Child Crisis Center​

Child Crisis Arizona provides emergency shelter, foster care, adoption, counseling, early education, and parenting support services to Arizona’s most vulnerable children, youth and families. INFO: https://childcrisisaz.org

Call: 480-969-2308

​​Save the Family Foundation of Arizona​​

​​​​Save the Family Foundation of Arizona is a leading provider of housing, case management and supportive services to more than 650 homeless and impoverished families annually throughout Maricopa County. ​INFO: https://savethefamily.org/about/

​Call: 602-263-8900

​Family Promise of Greater PHX

Provides emergency shelter and social services that help families move toward independent housing and self-sufficiency. INFO: https://familypromiseaz.org

Call: 480-659-5227​

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Maricopa County Homeless Clinic

Provides healthcare to men, women and children experiencing homelessness. ​INFO: https://circlethecity.org/

Call: 602-372-2100

Mission of Mercy

Provides free healthcare. INFO: https://www.amissionofmercy.org/arizona/

Call: 480-833-8987

Nurse available Wednesday afternoons. INFO:https://tempe.salvationarmy.org​

Call: 480-967-8649​

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Family SupportFamily Support

​2-1-1- Community Information and Referral Helpline

​2-1-1 Arizona operators will help individuals and families find resources that are available to them locally and throughout the state and provide connections to critical services. INFO: ​https://211arizona.org​ 

​Call: Dial 2-1-1 within Arizona OR 1-877-211-8661 from anywhere​

24-Hour Maricopa Mental Health Crisis Line​​​

If you or a loved one are facing a behavioral health crisis, you can call one of the crisis lines serving all of Arizona. Someone is available 24 hours day, 7 days a week to provide crisis intervention, support and referrals. INFO: https://www.mercycareaz.org/wellness/crisis

Call: 24-hour crisis line- 602-222-9444 or 1-800-631-1314 (toll-free)

A New Leaf​

​A New Leaf provides assistance to those most in need in our community, helping families, children, and adults overcome challenges they face whether it be the loss of a job, a medical crisis, domestic violence, homelessness or another crisis. INFO: https://www.turnanewleaf.org

Call: 480-969-4024​

Call: 1-888-SOS-CHILD  (1-888-767-2445)

​​Arizona Department of Economic Security- Adult Protective Services

Arizona Adult Protective Services (APS) is a program within the DES Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) and is responsible for investigating allegations of abuse, exploitation and neglect of vulnerable adults. INFO: https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/adult-protective-services

​Call: 877-767-2385

Arizona Department of Health Services- Women & Children's Health

​INFO: ​https://www.azdhs.gov/prevention/womens-childrens-health/index.php

Call: 602-542-1025

Child Crisis Arizona

Provides emergency shelter, foster care, adoption, counseling, early education, and parenting support services to Arizona’s most vulnerable children, youth and families. ​​​​​INFO: https://childcrisisaz.org

Call: 480-834-9424

Find Help PHX

Maricopa County Department of Public Health offers this free resource for Phoenix residents and all Maricopa County residents of all ages. There are 1,500 listings of low-cost or no-cost services for housing, utilities, parenting, healthcare, mental health, dental, food, clothing, transportation, domestic violence and legal and much more.​ ​INFO: https://www.findhelpphx.org​​ 

First Things First

Funds early education and health programs to prepare young children to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.​ ​INFO: https://www.firstthingsfirst.org

Call: 602-771-5100

​​​La Frontera Arizona (EMPAC​T)

Addressing issues of behavioral health, housing, family and children’s services, employment, crisis intervention, and community and cultural education.​ INFO: https://lafronteraaz.org/empact-2/

Call: 480-736-4949


​​My Sister's Place

Catholic Charities Community Services. INFOhttps://www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/get-help-pages/directory-of-services-phoenix

Call: 480-821-1024

NAMI- National Alliance of Mental Illness

NAMI works to educate, support, advocate, listen and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones. INFO: https://www.nami.org

Call: 703-524-7600

National LGBT Hotline

Call: 888-843-4564

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Call: 800-656-7673 (HOPE)

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Call: 800-273-8255 (TALK)

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Safety/Mental HealthSafety/Mental Health

​Area Agency on Aging 24/7 ​Senior Help Line​

The Senior Help Line is the 24-hour information and assistance resource and central intake of the Area Agency on Aging. Staff can assist in answering questions about transportation, housing, long-term care,home-delivered meals, home care, and other numerous services. ​​

INFO: ​​https://www.aaaphx.org/program-services/24-hour-senior-help-line/#:~:text=24-​​Hour%20Senior%20HELP%20LINE,by%20the%20multitude%20of%20choices.

Call: 602-264-4357 (HELP)

Southwest Human Development Birth to Five Helpline
The Birth to Five Helpline is a free service open to all Arizona families with young children looking for the latest child development information from experts in the field. Call the Helpline to speak with a bilingual (English/Spanish) early childhood specialists, on duty Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can also leave a voicemail, complete an online contact form, or text the Helpline 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Virtual video consultation services are also available. ​INFO: https://www.swhd.org/programs/health-and-development/birth-to-five-helpline/

Call: 1-877-705-5437

Southwest Network

Provides behavioral services to people in Maricopa County. ​INFO: ​​www.southwestnetwork.org

Call: 602-222-9444

Teen Lifeline

Provides a safe, confidential crisis intervention service for Arizona Teens. The hotline is answered 24/7/365. INFO: ​​https://teenlifeline.org/

Call or Text: 602-248-8336 (TEEN)​

Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development

​Serving ​males and females ages 11 to 22 in Maricopa County experiencing or at risk for homelessness, abuse, neglect, running away, etc. INFO: https://www.tumbleweedprogram.org/

Call: 24 Hours Crisis Hotline: 602-841-5799 OR Toll Free: 1-866-SAFE-703 (1-866-723-3703)

WIC Arizona​

The Arizona Department of Health Services Women, Infants & Children Program provides services such as nutrition education, healthy foods, breastfeeding support and referrals to health care and other community resources. 

Call: 1-800-252-5942

Email: azwicshoppershelpline@azdhs.gov 

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Andre House​

Offering dinner, laundry service, clothing and ​showers. ​INFO: https://andrehouse.org 

Call: 602-252-9023

Area Agency on Aging 24/7 ​Senior Help Line​

The Senior Help Line is the 24-hour information and assistance resource and central intake of the Area Agency on Aging. Staff can assist in answering questions about transportation, housing, long-term care,home-delivered meals, home care, and other numerous services. ​INFO: ​​https://www.aaaphx.org/program-services/24-hour-senior-help-line/#:~:text=24-​Hour%20Senior%20HELP%20LINE,by%20the%20multitude%20of%20choices.

Call: 602-264-4357 (HELP)

Arizona Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP)

The Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP) works to improve the health of low-income persons who are at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with a monthly package of nutritious food at no cost. INFO: https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/food-assistance/az-commodity-senior-food-program

Arizona Food Bank Network

​​​​​​​​​The Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN) is a coalition of 5 regional food banks and nearly 1,000 food pantries and agencies, working together to address hunger in Arizona. INFO: ​https://azfoodbanks.org

Call: 602-528-3434

City of Phoenix Senior Centers

The Human Services Department provides programming and services for older adults at 15 senior centers.  Each center provides a wealth of opportunities for activity, education and personal development. Some of what participants can expect to enjoy include ​recreation and social activities, nutrition programs, educational opportunities, and social services such as emergency utility and rental assistance and eviction prevention/move-in assistance. Centers also provide ​case management services for areas such as employment, budgeting, social and life-skills development. Moreover, each center provides information on senior programs and resources, such as Neighborhood Services' minor home appliance replacement/repair​ for seniors and community senior discount programs. ​ INFO: https://www.phoenix.gov/humanservices/programs/older/senior-centers

Call: 602-262-7379

Desert Mission Food Bank

Desert Mission offers several free and reduced cost food programs, nutrition education, and resource and referral services. Whether using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/food stamp benefits to buy food or receiving a free federal emergency food box, countless clients rely on the food bank. INFO: ​https://www.desertmission.com/programs/food-bank/

Call: 602-870-6062

​​Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federally funded program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost.  INFO: https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/food-assistance/emergency-food-assistance

Food Stamps: Department of Economic Security

Nutrition Assistance provides eligible households with monthly benefits they can use to purchase nutritious food. ​INFO: https://des.az.gov/na

Call: 480-850-8580

​Lutheran Ministries of the Southwest (Mesa)

Offering food service, and other emergency services. INFO: https://www.lss-sw.org​ 

Call: 602-654-4539

​​Neighborhood Ministries

INFO: ​​https://nmphx.com​

Call: 602-252-5225

Phoenix Rescue Mission- Hope for Hunger 

Hope for Hunger Food Bank is an outreach of Phoenix Rescue Mission dedicated to addressing both hunger and poverty.  Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to Noon (walk-ins are welcome). INFO: https://phoenixrescuemission.org/hope-for-hunger/

Call: 602-233-3000​

St. Vincent de Paul

Provides individualized care, nourishment and resources to those most in need.​ INFO: https://www.stvincentdepaul.net

Call: 602-254-3338

​The Salvation Army 

INFO: h​ttps://arizona.salvationarmy.org

Call: 602-267-4100​

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Jobs Jobs/Employment

Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Arizona Department of Economic Security. INFO: https://des.az.gov/services/employment/unemployment-individual

Call: Phoenix: 602-364-2722 OR Toll Free 1-877-600-2722​​​

​​​Arizona @ Work 

Employers with immediate openings. ​INFO: https://arizonaatwork.com/newsroom/all/arizona-employers-immediate-openings

Call: 602-542-2460

Career Advisor​

Career development, training and education and community resources, ​powered by Goodwill. INFO: http://www.mycareeradvisor.com/login

Call: 1-888-355-1444

​Career Connectors

Career Connectors is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to connecting professionals in career transition to hiring companies and quality resources. INFO: http://careerconnectors.org

Call: 480-442-0583

Email: contact@careerconnectors.org

Jobscan Resume Writing Guide

A step-by-step guide on how to write a resume. INFO: https://www.jobscan.co/resume-writing-guide

City of Phoenix Jobs

Current job openings with the City of Phoenix. ​INFO: https://www.phoenix.gov/hr/current-jobs/​

Call: 602-495-5700

Email: hrc@phoenix.gov​​ ​

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All content provided on this page is for informational purposes only. The City of Phoenix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this page or found by following any link on this page, with the exception of links to information hosted at Phoenix.gov. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and the City of Phoenix will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of this web page.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​