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    2025 Phoenix Fire Written Test Recap

    Hundreds of hopeful applicants took the first step in the hiring process by completing the written test on Tuesday January 7th at the Phoenix Convention Center. Around 800 individuals put pencil to paper as they made their way through the 100 multiple choice question packet. Fire Captain Richard Robnett stated “Our goal was to get as many people into these seats as possible, which I think that we did, we filled up the majority of that room so that is highly encouraging for us to move forward and making sure that we get a quality group of folks that are going to be moving to our academy.” Applicants who successfully pass the written test will be placed on the Firefighter Recruit eligibility list by the City of Phoenix Human Resources Department. When the list is certified, it will be forwarded to the Fire Department. The Fire Department uses the eligible list to invite applicants for job interviews. Applicants that we spoke with after the test were hopeful about moving on to that next step. Following the test, applicants were encouraged to check out the Phoenix Fire Experience which was set up in the room next door. This expo style event allowed anyone interested in becoming a Phoenix Firefighter to meet and interact with the various affinity groups that are a part of the fire department, as well as see the different specialty opportunities that are available in a career as a Phoenix Firefighter. Anyone who missed this opportunity but is interested in taking a future written test are encouraged to attend the upcoming Recruitment Information Session. The next session is scheduled for February 5th. Those with interest in the Phoenix Fire department are encouraged to follow @PHXFire on social media for additional dates and information about recruiting. To learn more about recruitment for Phoenix firefighter please visit the careers homepage. For questions regarding recruitment, please contact Phoenix Fire's Recruitment team by email​