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    Phoenix Golf Logo

    Phoenix Golf - Book Now!

    Select a course below or call 602​-534-GOLF.

    Phoenix Golf Logo

    Group Size Notice

    Four (4) player maximum per group; larger groups are not permitted.

    9 Hole Bookings at 18 Hole Courses

    • All 9 hole bookings at 18 hole courses must be made by phone, please call course to reserve a tee time.
    • Applicable at Aquila 18, Cave Creek and Encanto 18


    No Show/Cancellation Policy

    • Tee times must be canceled at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled tee time.
    • Tee times not canceled at least 24 hours in advance are subject to a $20 "no show" charge.​​​

    *GCU Golf C​ourse and Papago Golf Course may have different booking requirements and restrictions, please visit their webpages for more detailed information.

    Special Discounts

    Get special discounts on tee times with Phoenix Golf Cards!

    The Phoenix Golf Premium and Premium Senior cards provide Maricopa County residents special year-round discounts at ALL Phoenix Golf courses, including Papago and GCU golf courses.

    Non-residents can still get great discounted rates with the standard Phoenix Golf and Senior cards at Aguila, Cave Creek, Encanto and Palo Verde golf courses.

    We haven't forgotten about the younger golfers. The Phoenix Golf Junior Card Monthly Pass provides youth, ages 17 and younger, unlimited golf at Aguila, Cave Creek, Encanto, Palo Verde and GCU golf courses.

    Contact Us

    Thank you for choosing Phoenix Golf for your next round!