Your City Services Bill covers water, trash, and sewer fees.
City Services Bill
Pay Online
Pay your City services bill now or enroll in autopay.
How to Read Your City Services Bill
Learn how to understand your City services bill before you make a payment.
Contact Phoenix Customer Services
Ask a question or provide feedback regarding Phoenix's online payment options and services.
Rates Estimator
Estimate your single-family residential water and wastewater rates in Phoenix with our easy-to-use rate estimator tool.
Submit a Sewer Fee Review
The purpose of a sewer fee review is to make adjustments to your sewer fee based on a higher-than-usual use of water.
Traffic Fines
Pay a Traffic Ticket
Pay online, in person, or by mail.
Pay a Parking Ticket
Enter your ticket number and license plate number to pay.
Parking Rules and Regulations
Learn about standard procedures for violations and complaints.
Other Payments
Library Fees
Phoenix Public Library does not charge late fees, but may charge for replacement costs.
Parks and Recreation Programs
Register and pay for classes, sports, or memberships with community programs.
Planning and Development Fees
Find guidance on how and where fees are collected.
Emergency Transportation Services
Find information about ambulance services.
Privilege (Sales) Use Tax
Transaction privilege tax is commonly referred to as a sales tax.