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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Police Crisis Intervention Team

    The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is an innovative first-responder model of police-based crisis intervention with community, health care and advocacy partnerships. Our Mission is to provide law enforcement-based crisis intervention by assisting individuals with a mental illness, and improve the safety of patrol officers, consumers, family members, and citizens within the City of Phoenix.

    The Phoenix Police Department has several hundred CIT trained officers working as 1st responders. In addition, there are two full-time CIT squads who collaborate with behavioral health partners to connect members of the community to the proper crisis services.

    ** If you or someone else is in immediate danger, including a person in crisis or who is suicidal, please dial 911. **

    For any crisis situation where a police officer is not needed, you can contact the Crisis Response Network at 602-222-9444


    Community Bridges Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assistance


    Mercy Care Member Line: 602-586-1841​​

    VA-Rally Point: 855-725-5948

    Be Connected: 866-4AZVETS

    CRRC: 1500 E Thomas Rd 602-248-0640

    Family Involvement Center: 5333 N 7th St, STE A-100 602-412-4095

    Brain Injury Alliance DES/DDD Customer Service: 844-770-9500

    Arizona 2-1-1 (Community Information & Referral): Phone: 2-1-1

    Alzheimer's Association: Phone: 1-800-272-3900

    SMI Determination: 855-832-2866