Commander Amy Breitzman

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Family Investigations Bureau is to thoroughly investigate cases of Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Missing and Unidentified Persons and Crimes against Children and to further reduce trauma through the interaction of a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive services to victims and their families.
The Family Investigations Bureau is staffed by Phoenix Police Department employees and is located at 2120 North Central Avenue. The Family Investigation Bureau is tasked with investigating a variety of crimes such as domestic violence, sexual assault, internet crimes and crimes against children. In partnership with the Human Services Department, the Family Advocacy Center is also housed out of the same facility allowing victim advocates to work with detectives to better serve victims and to ensure their safety.
Domestic Violence Unit is responsible for the follow up investigation of domestic related crimes such as aggravated assault, assault, criminal damage, court order violations, et cetera.
Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit is responsible for the follow-up investigation of missing person reports. The detail typically handles thousands of reports every year.
Adult Sex Crimes Unit is responsible for the follow up investigation of sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexually motivated kidnapping and indecent exposure.
Family Investigations Cold Case Unit is responsible for any sexual assault case that remains unsolved for one or more years after being reported AND has no viable or unexplored investigative.
Sex Offender Community Notification Unit (SONU) is responsible for the follow-up investigation of all sex offender registration related crimes for offenders residing in Phoenix. The unit maintains thousands of sex offender files and completes community notifications via US Mail. SONU also educates the public on the Sex Offender Registration and Notification laws.
Crimes Against Children Unit is responsible for the follow up investigation of all criminal allegations of child abuse, whether physical or sexual. The mission of the Crimes Against Children Unit is to protect children from harm, ensure justice through quality investigations, and use our spirit of service to reduce further trauma to victims and their families.
Internet Crimes Against Children Unit (ICAC) is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 3,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. These agencies are engaged in proactive investigations, forensic investigations, and criminal prosecutions.
AZICAC Homepage