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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Police Youth Experience

    About the Progra​m The application period has closed for 2024​. Please check back for 2025 session information and application.

    This June and July, the Phoenix Police Department will present the Police Youth Experience to introduce children to the world of Law Enforcement. This program will introduce students entering 7th and 8th grade to what occurs at the Phoenix Police Department on a daily basis. This program will also provide the students the ability to build relationships with police officers and the civilians that work within the Phoenix Police Department. On the final day, students will work with a police officer to investigate a crime scene set up especially for them.​

    All participants will receive a T-Shirt and a certificate upon completion of the week’s activities. This program is FREE.

    The first 25 ​youth registered for each session may participate.

    -Information Sheet

    -2024 ​Poli​​​ce Experience Application​

    ​​-Personal Image Release​​ English | Spanish

    -Liability Wai​ver

    What will be taught at this Academy?

    The course work will be similar to our adult citizen academy and Explorer Program; however, for the kids, there will be more hands-on activities!

    -Alcohol and DUI / Vision Goggles


    -Crime Scenes / Collecting Evidence

    -Dangerous Drug Education /Prevention

    -Equipment Demos

    -Ethics / Character / Integrity


    -Firearm Safety

    -Internet Safety / Social Media

    -Traffic Safety

    -Team Building

    -Some physical and hands on activity will be encouraged.


    This Academy is open to all students entering 7th and 8th Grades in Fall​. Students must reside in Phoenix or attend a school within the Phoenix city limits. There is no academic requirement; however, good behavior is required at all times! 

    This is not a boot camp or program for rebellious teens. 

    This is a free program, which requires a parental / guardian permission slip and waiver.. Transportation to and from the police precinct is to be provided by the parent / guardian. Participants are expected to bring their lunch each day with the exception of Friday, lunch will be provided to the participants.​