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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Property Management Unit

    ​​​​​​​​​The Property Management Unit is responsible for ensuring all property entrusted in their care be properly stored, documented, released and disposed according to state laws, city ordinance and department policies and procedures.​​​

    100 E. Elwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85040

    Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


    Other Phone Numbers

    ​​Public Records: 602-534-1127

    Main Headquarters and Investigations: 602-262-7626

    Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: 602-262-6151

    Claim your property click the Link yo start your process: Property Release Request 

    Potential claimants will have a period of 30-days from the date of notification to make a claim. After this period ends, unclaimed property gets processed for disposal ​according to state laws, city ordinance, department policies and procedures.

    Bring government issued identification and any required documentation such as inmate release forms and/or power of attorney. Proof of ownership will be required. 

    Claiming Property on Behalf of Others: If you wish to claim property on someone's behalf or would like someone to pick up your property for you, you must provide a notarized letter, inmate request form or power of attorney naming the individual you are authorizing to claim the property.

    FIREARM releases will require a background check (prohibited possessor check) pursuant to state and federal laws. Background checks may take up to 21 days and you will be contacted by phone or email for confirmation when ready. If not available, you will be required to contact assigned case agent.  Due to the volume of property claims, appointments are not available for general property or firearms releases. Typical wait times range from 30 to 90 minutes for general property.

    Unclai​me​d Property​ 

    The City of Phoenix Police Department receives a large amount of unclaimed property. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues 12-941, 12-942, 12-944, 12-945 and Phoenix City Code 2-301, a listing of unclaimed property will be published monthly and expire 30 days after publication. 

    Vehicle Appointment Line​​: 602-534-2810

    The Property Management Unit is only responsible for releasing vehicles that have been impounded for evidence in a criminal investigation. Please do not call until after you have received a vehicle release letter from the Phoenix Police Department indicating that the case detective has authorized your vehicle's release. All other requests will be referred to the Public Records and Services Unit.​

    Public Records and Services Unit: 1717 E Grant ​St, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85034 ​602-534-1127

    The Public Records and Services Unit is located near 16th Street, north of Buckeye Road and south of Jefferson. Vehicle Impounds (General impounds such as 30-day tows or regular police tows), public records request and alarms.  ​