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    Event/Loud Party Ordinance FAQ

    ​​Ordinance G-6674, Chapter 2, Article 1, Division 5, Section 2-22, was adopted to increase neighborhood safety and reduce threats to the public peace, health, safety and general welfare. The ordinance addresses parties, social gatherings or events which result in disturbing the peace, quiet and enjoyment of our community. These occurrences often lead to excessive noise and traffic, obstruction of public streets, public drunkenness, underage drinking, fights and littering, among other problems.​

    What does a loud party/event include?

    Any large party, gathering, or event with five or more persons who have assembled or are assembling for a special occasion, social activity or other event on public or private property.

    What happens if a citizen calls the police?

    If the activity is determined to be a threat to the peace, health, safety or general welfare of the public, the responsible party will be assessed a police response service fee.

    There are no "allowable" times during the day or night. If the party, gathering, or event is considered a threat to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the public, anytime during the night or day, the responsible party will be assessed a fee for the reasonable costs of a police response not to exceed: $1000 for the first incident within a 12-month period;$1500 for the second incident within a 12 month period; $2000 for the third and subsequent incident within a 12-month period; the police response fee shall be waived  if any RP requested a police response and assists the Police in dispersing persons attending the event.

    What does the police service fee include?

    The salaries of the police officers who respond based on time spent at the event, and may include any damage to city equipment or medical treatment, if needed.

    Appeals to the police service fee must be made within ten days of receipt of notice.  Appeals will be heard by a Hearing Officer designated by the City Manager. 

    For more information contact:
    Phoenix Police Department, Public Records and Services Unit
    1717 East Grant Street, Room #100, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 or call 602-262-7803.

    Read the actual city code

    Some factors which may determine a violation of the ordinance are:

    • Loud music, Band or Disc Jockey​
    • Numerous vehicles causing traffic hazards or blocking driveways, streets and alleys
    • Underage Drinking
    • Making excessive noise
    • Fights / public drunkenness​
    • Gun shots / fireworks
    • Littering
    • Illegal drug use
    • Squealing tires and speeding through neighborhood streets

    For Juvenile violators the juvenile's parents will be responsible for all fees and violations.

    Information provided by Phoenix Police Department Public Records and Services Unit 602-262-7803.