Student Internships with COPS

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​​Student Internships with COPS

Phoenix Police is proud to offer an internship program to students wishing to gain experience that will prove invaluable in their path to pursue a career in government or law enforcement.  The primary role of a student intern is a support function.


As an intern with the Phoenix Police Department, you must meet certain qualifications in addition to those detailed in the COPS application.

  • You should be a first or second semester Junior or Senior;
  • You must meet your College/University requirements for a credited internship with the Phoenix Police Department
  • You must have no felony convictions and have a history of good personal conduct
  • You must meet Phoenix Police Department controlled substance standards
  • You must have fewer than eight (8) driving violation points, fewer than two (2) chargeable accidents, no DUI convictions and no loss of license as a result of a moving violation within the previous thirty-six (36) months.
  • You must submit your resume along with a minimum 250-word essay explaining why you would like to do an internship with the Phoenix Police Department to​.
  • You must submit your application by the following due dates: 
    • Fall - April 1st
    • Spring - September 1st
    • Summer - January 1st

Program Structure:

Student Intern applications are processed according to the following policy, outlined to include recruitment, placement and supervision as it pertains to the Community Engagement Bureau (CEB).

1. CEB will oversee the Internship Program.  Applicants will be considered for the 16 week Fall and Spring sessions and the 10 week Summer session. Internship hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 

2. Applications shall be accepted from in-state College and University students.

3. Students must submit a letter of introduction with approval from the College or University attended by the Student.  The letter must include the following:

  1. Major Course of Study
  2. Student Class/Semester
  3. Anticipated Graduation Date (MM/YYYY)

4. Once required documents are received, an ESB Background Investigator will be assigned to the applicant.   The following will be scheduled and conducted in this order:

  1. Prescreening interview
  2. Completion of background questionnaire by the applicant ESB interviewer, to review for completeness and accuracy.
  3. Fingerprinting
  4. Customary records check and background
  5. Controlled Substance screening
  6. File approval by Recruiting Unit Sergeant
  7. Placement of file if applicant is Approved
    1. Notify applicant of approved/denied status

5. Once the applicant has been approved for the Student Internship Program, the COPS Coordinator will commence the internship schedule with the Student.  Each intern will be required to complete a rotation of assignments to gain exposure to the department.  After the initial rotation of assignments is completed, the intern shall then be assigned to a specific bureau or precinct for the remainder of their internship.

While final assignment to a specific bureau may be based on the intern's area of interest/educational pursuit, a combination of factors such as attendance, supervisor feedback gained during the assignment rotations and department needs are considered.

  1. The bureau or precinct supervising the intern is responsible for the intern's duties and assignments.
  2. Interns may operate police vehicles.  A driving record assessment should be submitted by any supervisor requesting driving duties.
  3. The intern's supervisor may be requested to complete school correspondence pertaining to the intern's performance.  Final evaluations will be requested from each supervisor by the COPS Coordinator.
  4. Discipline, misconduct and/or insubordination incidences must be addressed first by the intern supervisor.  The COPS Coordinator and ESB should be notified of any incident that may lead to the intern's termination.
  5. At the completion of each rotation or assignment, the supervisor shall sign and date the intern's paperwork.  The intern is responsible to gather and submit their completed paperwork to the COPS Coordinator.

6. CEB will maintain a record of the student's internship with the Department.​

Internships FAQs: 

How long should I expect for my application for internship to be approved?

The department must schedule and conduct the application review, background investigation, and in-person or telephone interview.  Ensuring that your submitted application is accurate in terms of completing all sections and providing accurate contact information for references and job history is critical to avoid delays in processing.  Please allow up to four months for the application process to be completed from the time it has been submitted. Not all applicants will be contacted to move forward in the application process. 

How many hours will I be asked to intern?​

As you enter the internship program, no less than 16-hours per week shall be observed. It is possible that the final bureau assignment may negotiate a greater number of hours per week.  Curriculum requirements from the college/university you attend are also taken into consideration.

Do you offer paid internships?

We do not.​