Public Notice: Tax & Fee Changes

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​ ​
List of proposed adoptions of, or changes to, municipal taxes or fees.
Notice DateCouncil DateType
DescriptionDepartmentStatutory ReferenceMore Information
15-Day Notice of Proposed Increase in Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) and Use Tax Rates
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-499.15 of its intent to consider an increase of up to 0.5% to the TPT and Use Tax rates, thereby increasing the current rates from 2.3% up to and including, but not exceeding, 2.8% with an effective date of July 1, 2025. City revenues were impacted by the State’s actions to diminish the tax base with the enactment of Senate Bill (SB) 1131 and SB 1828. SB 1131 eliminated residential rental TPT collected from businesses engaged in the rental of residential property effective January 1, 2025.  With this change, the City anticipates a revenue loss of approximately $35.4 million in fiscal year 2024-25 (5 months) and an ongoing annual revenue loss of approximately $85.5 million beginning in fiscal year 2025-26. City revenues were further impacted due to SB 1828, which transitioned the state’s individual income tax rate to a flat rate of 2.5%. State income tax is distributed to cities and towns based on its population in relation to the total population of all cities and towns and is based on collections from two years prior. The City relies on estimates provided by the State Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) for state shared income tax revenue projections. These actions will result in less ongoing state shared income tax revenue to the General Fund compared to prior projections had the tax rate not decreased. 

Finally, the City finds it necessary to identify additional resources to reduce Fire Department response times, continue efforts to address homelessness, and address the impact of inflation that has significantly increased the cost to provide essential programs and services to the community. This proposed amendment to Chapter 14 of the Phoenix City Code will generate the revenue required to maintain service levels and offset anticipated revenue decreases. City Staff will present additional information to City Council and the public during its budget development and adoption process, which commences on February 25, 2025, with the General Fund Status and Multi-Year Forecast Report. 

1. Date, time, and place of meeting. The final proposed tax increase will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at the policy meeting on March 18, 2025, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007. 
2. Reference for more details. Phoenix City Council will consider increasing the TPT and Use Tax Rate from 2.3% up to and including, but not exceeding, 2.8% with an effective date of July 1, 2025​.
Download PDF with more information​.
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 27​​, 2025.
Finance Department 
Phoenix City Code Chapter 14 ​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 495-3758 ​
​Brandi Flores, Deputy Finance Director​​
60-Day Notice of Proposed Increase in Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) and Use Tax Rates
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-499.15 of its intent to consider an increase of up to 0.5% to the TPT and Use Tax rates, thereby increasing the current rates from 2.3% up to and including, but not exceeding, 2.8% with an effective date of July 1, 2025. City revenues were impacted by the State’s actions to diminish the tax base with the enactment of Senate Bill (SB) 1131 and SB 1828. SB 1131 eliminated residential rental TPT collected from businesses engaged in the rental of residential property effective January 1, 2025.  With this change, the City anticipates a revenue loss of approximately $35.4 million in fiscal year 2024-25 (5 months) and an ongoing annual revenue loss of approximately $85.5 million beginning in fiscal year 2025-26. City revenues were further impacted due to SB 1828, which transitioned the state’s individual income tax rate to a flat rate of 2.5%. State income tax is distributed to cities and towns based on its population in relation to the total population of all cities and towns and is based on collections from two years prior. The City relies on estimates provided by the State Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) for state shared income tax revenue projections. These actions will result in less ongoing state shared income tax revenue to the General Fund compared to prior projections had the tax rate not decreased. 

Finally, the City finds it necessary to identify additional resources to reduce Fire Department response times, continue efforts to address homelessness, and address the impact of inflation that has significantly increased the cost to provide essential programs and services to the community. This proposed amendment to Chapter 14 of the Phoenix City Code will generate the revenue required to maintain service levels and offset anticipated revenue decreases. City Staff will present additional information to City Council and the public during its budget development and adoption process, which commences on February 25, 2025, with the General Fund Status and Multi-Year Forecast Report. 

1. Date, time, and place of meeting. The final proposed tax increase will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at the policy meeting on March 18, 2025, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007. 
2. Reference for more details. Phoenix City Council will consider increasing the TPT and Use Tax Rate from 2.3% up to and including, but not exceeding, 2.8% with an effective date of July 1, 2025​.
Download PDF with more information​.
This notice of intent is posted effective: Janurary 15​​, 2025.
Finance Department 
Phoenix City Code Chapter 14 ​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 495-3758 ​
​Brandi Flores, Deputy Finance Director​​
12/18/​20​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to standardize fees charged to providers of Network Infrastructure Services, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a fiber-to-the home (FTTH) and fiber-to-the premises (business) to provide fiber-optic broadband access in the City of Phoenix.

Phoenix City Council will consider a new City Code Chapter, 5D – Network Infrastructure Services that will allow companies to install fiber-optic networks in the City’s rights-of-way (ROW) to provide high-speed internet to residential and business customers. The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and premises networks may be installed throughout the City and will provide a choice for consumers desiring broadband connections that are as fast, or faster than what is available from the current service providers.

Chapter 5D includes a provision for a license fee that will compensate the City for the private use of the ROW. The license fee is set at three percent (3%) of gross revenues that a licensee collects from customers for providing FTTH services in the City of Phoenix. The license fee for wholesale, open access internet, service providers is six percent (6%) of gross revenues that the company receives for leasing its network to internet service providers.

The licensee may be subject to an alternative, annual minimum fee (AMF) until the 3% or the 6% license fee exceeds the AMF of six dollars ($6.00) for each residential unit that the licensee’s fiber optic network passes.​

The City of Phoenix currently has three companies that expressed a strong desire to secure a Network Infrastructure Services license and two other companies that have expressed an interest but require specific terms to be met before making a final decision. This Code Chapter and fee will apply the same fee to any Network Infrastructure Services license.​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting. The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003, the meeting may be viewed virtually by visiting ​​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 3​​, 2024.
Street Transportation Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15 and City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations 1.98​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 262-4970
​Kevin Sonoda, Special Projects Administrator, Street Transportation Department​​
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase the City of Phoenix Film and Digital Media Permits (FDMPs) fees charged to motion picture and television productions, as defined by Phoenix City Code, Chapter 10, Article VIII, including fees for rush applications, to allow them to engage in the business of filming on any public property, facility or right-of-way belonging to the City of Phoenix, and for the release of City claims to the products of such activities. “Motion picture” or “television productions” shall encompass activities for commercial purposes including features, television, industrial, educational, documentary, student, still photography, commercials and web casts:​​
Proposed Fee Schedule:
Permit Type: General
Application Fee: $50
Filming Permit Fee: $150 per calendar month
Rush Fee: $150
Materials Changes Rush Fee: $150

Permit Type: Student
Application Fee: Free
Filming Permit Fee: $40
Rush Fee: $40
Materials Changes Rush Fee: $40

Permit Type: Low Impact
Application Fee: $50
Filming Permit Fee: $100 per 7 days
Rush Fee: $100
Materials Changes Rush Fee: N/A

Rush fees only apply when application and materials are submitted three or fewer business days prior to filming. Materials submitted inside of 24 business day hours will not be accepted. Material changes are considered large element changes inside of three or fewer business days. Material changes inside of 24 business day hours will not be accommodated. This does not include date changes so long as they are not inside 24 business day hours.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on November 20, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, the meeting may be viewed virtually by visiting​.
2. Reference for more details​
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: November 04​, 2024​.
Community and Economic Development
Arizona Revised Statute 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code, Chapter 10 Businesses, Article VIII Motion Pictures or Television Productions, Ordinance G1403 (October 8, 1974), Ordinance G3871 (June 28, 1995).
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 262-4850
​Phil Bradstock, Film Commissioner,​
12/18/​20​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to standardize fees charged to providers of Network Infrastructure Services, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a fiber-to-the home (FTTH) and fiber-to-the premises (business) to provide fiber-optic broadband access in the City of Phoenix.

Phoenix City Council will consider a new City Code Chapter, 5D – Network Infrastructure Services that will allow companies to install fiber-optic networks in the City’s rights-of-way (ROW) to provide high-speed internet to residential and business customers. The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and premises networks may be installed throughout the City and will provide a choice for consumers desiring broadband connections that are as fast, or faster than what is available from the current service providers.

Chapter 5D includes a provision for a license fee that will compensate the City for the private use of the ROW. The license fee is set at three percent (3%) of gross revenues that a licensee collects from customers for providing FTTH services in the City of Phoenix. The license fee for wholesale, open access internet, service providers is six percent (6%) of gross revenues that the company receives for leasing its network to internet service providers.

The licensee may be subject to an alternative, annual minimum fee (AMF) until the 3% or the 6% license fee exceeds the AMF of six dollars ($6.00) for each residential unit that the licensee’s fiber optic network passes.​

The City of Phoenix currently has three companies that expressed a strong desire to secure a Network Infrastructure Services license and two other companies that have expressed an interest but require specific terms to be met before making a final decision. This Code Chapter and fee will apply the same fee to any Network Infrastructure Services license.​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting. The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003, the meeting may be viewed virtually by visiting ​​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: October 18​​, 2024.
Street Transportation Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15 and City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations 1.98​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 262-4970
​Kevin Sonoda, Special Projects Administrator, Street Transportation Department​​
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase the City of Phoenix Film and Digital Media Permits (FDMPs) fees charged to motion picture and television productions, as defined by Phoenix City Code, Chapter 10, Article VIII, including fees for rush applications, to allow them to engage in the business of filming on any public property, facility or right-of-way belonging to the City of Phoenix, and for the release of City claims to the products of such activities. “Motion picture” or “television productions” shall encompass activities for commercial purposes including features, television, industrial, educational, documentary, student, still photography, commercials and web casts:​​
Proposed Fee Schedule:
Permit Type: General
Application Fee: $50
Filming Permit Fee: $150 per calendar month
Rush Fee: $150
Materials Changes Rush Fee: $150

Permit Type: Student
Application Fee: Free
Filming Permit Fee: $40
Rush Fee: $40
Materials Changes Rush Fee: $40

Permit Type: Low Impact
Application Fee: $50
Filming Permit Fee: $100 per 7 days
Rush Fee: $100
Materials Changes Rush Fee: N/A

Rush fees only apply when application and materials are submitted three or fewer business days prior to filming. Materials submitted inside of 24 business day hours will not be accepted. Material changes are considered large element changes inside of three or fewer business days. Material changes inside of 24 business day hours will not be accommodated. This does not include date changes so long as they are not inside 24 business day hours.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on November 20, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, the meeting may be viewed virtually by visiting​.
2. Reference for more details​
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: September 18​, 2024​.
Community and Economic Development
Arizona Revised Statute 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code, Chapter 10 Businesses, Article VIII Motion Pictures or Television Productions, Ordinance G1403 (October 8, 1974), Ordinance G3871 (June 28, 1995).
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 262-4850
​Phil Bradstock, Film Commissioner,​
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase Aviation Department, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Parking Rates charged to the Public, as defined by Phoenix City Code G-6631 Section 4-58 Parking Rates to allow for the Daily Parking Rate Increase as presented in the table:​​

Daily Parking Rates:
Parking Facility: Current Rate / Proposed Rate
24th Street Economy: $14.00 / $16.00
East Economy Uncovered: $14.00 / $16.00
East Economy Garage: $16.00 / $19.00
West Economy Garage: $16.00 / $19.00
Terminal 3 Garage: $30.00 / $33.00
Terminal 4 Garage: $30.00 / $33.00
Valet (T3 & T4): $39.00 / $43.00
Premium (T3 & T4):  $33.00 / $37.00
West Park & Walk: $9.00 / $10.00
Hourly Rate: $4.00 / $6.00
Overflow Self-Park: $9.00/ $12.00
Overflow Valet: $22.00 / $25.00​​
Effective Date: October 1, 2024
This notice of intent is posted effective: September 13​, 2024​.
Aviation Department
Phoenix City Code G-6631 Section 4-58 Parking Rates
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
​William Robinson, Aviation Department,​
09/18/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to modify fees charged to retailers when their abandoned shopping carts are retrieved and returned. A.R.S. § 44-1799.33 and City of Phoenix Ordinances S-34842 (July 2, 2007) (outlining program standards) and Ordinance S-44077 (November 29, 2017) (raising fee to $50) allow the City to charge a retailer up to a $50.00 fee for cart retrieval in the City of Phoenix. This action would authorize a $25 fee for cart retrieval for retailers who have a cart retrieval vendor.​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on September 18, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers 200 W Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, the meeting may be viewed virtually, by signing on at​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Phoenix City Council will consider approving a fee for the retrieval of abandoned shopping carts for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts. The proposed fee would be $25.00 for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts, while the City would maintain the existing $50.00 fee for retailers who do not have a cart retrieval vendor. The City of Phoenix currently uses a cart retrieval service to respond to complaints of abandoned shopping carts, charging a $50.00 fee to all retailers who do not have a contract with a cart retrieval vendor. Since 2017, the number of abandoned shopping carts reported and retrieved increased substantially, from 2,937 in 2017 to 7,851 in 2023. The majority of the increase, 2,923, were from shopping carts belonging to retailers with their own contracts for cart retrieval, increasing the City's contract costs by more than 167%, from $21,488 to $57,481, yet providing no offset revenue to account for those costs. Due to the increased program expenses and inefficacy of retail cart retrieval services, Neighborhood Services Department is proposing a $25 cart retrieval fee for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: September 3​, 2024​.
Neighborhood Service
A.R.S. § 44-1799.33; City of Phoenix Ordinances S-34842 (July 2, 2007) and S-44077 (November 29, 2017)
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 495-6778
​Anamaria Ortega, Deputy Director, Neighborhood Service Department​
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase Aviation Department, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Parking Rates charged to the Public, as defined by Phoenix City Code G-6631 Section 4-58 Parking Rates to allow for the Daily Parking Rate Increase as presented in the table:​​

Daily Parking Rates:
Parking Facility: Current Rate / Proposed Rate
24th Street Economy: $14.00 / $16.00
East Economy Uncovered: $14.00 / $16.00
East Economy Garage: $16.00 / $19.00
West Economy Garage: $16.00 / $19.00
Terminal 3 Garage: $30.00 / $33.00
Terminal 4 Garage: $30.00 / $33.00
Valet (T3 & T4): $39.00 / $43.00
Premium (T3 & T4):  $33.00 / $37.00
West Park & Walk: $9.00 / $10.00
Hourly Rate: $4.00 / $6.00
Overflow Self-Park: $9.00/ $12.00
Overflow Valet: $22.00 / $25.00​​
Effective Date: October 1, 2024
This notice of intent is posted effective: July 22​, 2024​.
Aviation Department
Phoenix City Code G-6631 Section 4-58 Parking Rates
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
​William Robinson, Aviation Department,​
09/18/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to modify fees charged to retailers when their abandoned shopping carts are retrieved and returned. A.R.S. § 44-1799.33 and City of Phoenix Ordinances S-34842 (July 2, 2007) (outlining program standards) and Ordinance S-44077 (November 29, 2017) (raising fee to $50) allow the City to charge a retailer up to a $50.00 fee for cart retrieval in the City of Phoenix. This action would authorize a $25 fee for cart retrieval for retailers who have a cart retrieval vendor.​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on September 18, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers 200 W Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007, the meeting may be viewed virtually, by signing on at​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Phoenix City Council will consider approving a fee for the retrieval of abandoned shopping carts for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts. The proposed fee would be $25.00 for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts, while the City would maintain the existing $50.00 fee for retailers who do not have a cart retrieval vendor. The City of Phoenix currently uses a cart retrieval service to respond to complaints of abandoned shopping carts, charging a $50.00 fee to all retailers who do not have a contract with a cart retrieval vendor. Since 2017, the number of abandoned shopping carts reported and retrieved increased substantially, from 2,937 in 2017 to 7,851 in 2023. The majority of the increase, 2,923, were from shopping carts belonging to retailers with their own contracts for cart retrieval, increasing the City's contract costs by more than 167%, from $21,488 to $57,481, yet providing no offset revenue to account for those costs. Due to the increased program expenses and inefficacy of retail cart retrieval services, Neighborhood Services Department is proposing a $25 cart retrieval fee for retailers with established cart retrieval contracts.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: July 18​, 2024​.
Neighborhood Service
A.R.S. § 44-1799.33; City of Phoenix Ordinances S-34842 (July 2, 2007) and S-44077 (November 29, 2017)
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 495-6778
​Anamaria Ortega, Deputy Director, Neighborhood Service Department​
03/20/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to amend the Phoenix City Code (PCC), Chapter 15 Fire Prevention Code of the City of Phoenix, Ord. No. G-6854, § 1, 2021 to establish new fees for permitting activities as required in the Phoenix Fire Code. These new permit fees encompass two types:

1. Creation of new fees for solar and battery construction permits by creating two new combination permits and fees to better service our community and customers by reducing the number of permits and fees required for installations comprising of both solar and battery storage at residential locations. Currently the fee schedule requires two separate permits: one for solar and a separate for batteries. This action combines those permits into one permit and results in a slight reduction of the total plan review and permit cost for projects encompassing both systems in one submission.

2. Creation of a fee for a construction permit to allow flammable/combustible fuel dispensers to be installed/modified. Currently there is an existing $300 operational permit required for this activity. This change algins the permit type correctly with construction activities by replacing the current operational permit. As this action will replace the current $300 operational permit fee with a new $300 construction permit, there will be no fee changes to the permitting for these types of activities.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council on or after March 20, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.​
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: March 04​, 2024​.
Fire Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix Fire Code, Chapter 15 Revision on Ord. No. G-6854, § 1, 2021​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 206-5120
​Eric Williams, Assistant Fire Marshal, Fire Department​​
02/21/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to standardize fees charged to providers of Network Infrastructure Services, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a fiber-to-the home (FTTH) and fiber-to-the premises (business) to provide fiber-optic broadband access in the City of Phoenix.

Phoenix City Council will consider a new City Code Chapter, 5-D – Network Infrastructure Services that will allow companies to install fiber-optic networks in the City’s rights-of-way (ROW) to provide high-speed internet to residential and business customers. The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and premises networks may be installed throughout the City and will provide a choice for consumers desiring broadband connections that are as fast, or faster than what is available from the current service providers.

Chapter 5-D includes a provision for a license fee that will compensate the City for the private use of the ROW. The license fee is set at three percent (3%) of gross revenues that a licensee collects from customers or companies that it leases its network to for providing FTTH services in the City of Phoenix. The licensee may be subject to an alternative, annual minimum fee (AMF) until the 3% license fee exceeds the AMF of nine dollars ($9.00) for each residential unit that the licensee’s fiber optic network passes.

The City of Phoenix currently has two companies that expressed a strong desire to secure a Network Infrastructure Services license and two other companies that have expressed an interest, but require specific terms to be met before making a final decision. This Code Chapter and fee will apply the same fee to any Network Infrastructure Services license.​​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.​
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 5​, 2024.
Street Transportation Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15 and City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations 1.98​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 262-4970
​Kevin Sonoda, Special Projects Administrator, Street Transportation Department​​
03/20/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to amend the Phoenix City Code (PCC), Chapter 15 Fire Prevention Code of the City of Phoenix, Ord. No. G-6854, § 1, 2021 to establish new fees for permitting activities as required in the Phoenix Fire Code. These new permit fees encompass two types:

1. Creation of new fees for solar and battery construction permits by creating two new combination permits and fees to better service our community and customers by reducing the number of permits and fees required for installations comprising of both solar and battery storage at residential locations. Currently the fee schedule requires two separate permits: one for solar and a separate for batteries. This action combines those permits into one permit and results in a slight reduction of the total plan review and permit cost for projects encompassing both systems in one submission.

2. Creation of a fee for a construction permit to allow flammable/combustible fuel dispensers to be installed/modified. Currently there is an existing $300 operational permit required for this activity. This change algins the permit type correctly with construction activities by replacing the current operational permit. As this action will replace the current $300 operational permit fee with a new $300 construction permit, there will be no fee changes to the permitting for these types of activities.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council on or after March 20, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.​
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: January 11​, 2024​.
Fire Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix Fire Code, Chapter 15 Revision on Ord. No. G-6854, § 1, 2021​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 206-5120
​Eric Williams, Assistant Fire Marshal, Fire Department​​
02/21/​24 ​(or later)
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to standardize fees charged to providers of Network Infrastructure Services, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a fiber-to-the home (FTTH) and fiber-to-the premises (business) to provide fiber-optic broadband access in the City of Phoenix.

Phoenix City Council will consider a new City Code Chapter, 5-D – Network Infrastructure Services that will allow companies to install fiber-optic networks in the City’s rights-of-way (ROW) to provide high-speed internet to residential and business customers. The fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and premises networks may be installed throughout the City and will provide a choice for consumers desiring broadband connections that are as fast, or faster than what is available from the current service providers.

Chapter 5-D includes a provision for a license fee that will compensate the City for the private use of the ROW. The license fee is set at three percent (3%) of gross revenues that a licensee collects from customers or companies that it leases its network to for providing FTTH services in the City of Phoenix. The licensee may be subject to an alternative, annual minimum fee (AMF) until the 3% license fee exceeds the AMF of nine dollars ($9.00) for each residential unit that the licensee’s fiber optic network passes.

The City of Phoenix currently has two companies that expressed a strong desire to secure a Network Infrastructure Services license and two other companies that have expressed an interest, but require specific terms to be met before making a final decision. This Code Chapter and fee will apply the same fee to any Network Infrastructure Services license.​​

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.​
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 20​, 2023.
Street Transportation Department
A.R.S. 9-499.15 and City of Phoenix Administrative Regulations 1.98​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(​602) 262-4970
​Kevin Sonoda, Special Projects Administrator, Street Transportation Department​​
01/03/24 ​(or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to amend Phoenix City Code (PCC), Chapter 4 Aviation, Sections 4-1, 4-190 and 4-192 to clarify the application of Commercial Use Permit (CUP) requirements and associated fees at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The amended language will not create a new fee or increase an existing fee, but will more clearly define the types of services that are subject to and exempted from CUP requirements and associated fees as noted here:

1. Amended PCC Section 4-1 will establish that a consortium of Air carriers will be treated as an Air carrier for purposes of subjecting aviation-related service(s), provided to a consortium, to CUP requirements and associated fees.

2. Amended PCC Sections 4-1 and 4-190 will exempt aviation-related service(s), provided to or by an Affiliate, from CUP requirements and associated fees.

3. Amended PCC 4-1 will establish that baggage delivery service of an airlines’ mishandled luggage or packages from the airport premises to its passenger(s) will not be considered a courier type service and will therefore not be exempt from CUP requirements and associated fees.

The fees generated from CUPs are revenue for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting or after January 3, 2024 commencing at 2:30 p.m. at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003​​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 15​, 2023.
Aviation Department
PCC § 4-1, 4-190 and 4-192​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
Clifton Looper, Aviation Department
01/03/24 ​(or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a new fee on peer-to-peer vehicle sharing operators at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The fee will be compensation from peer-to-peer vehicle sharing operators and their shared vehicle owners to use certain PHX facilities when conducting operations that provide vehicle sharing services for the convenience of the public at PHX. The fees generated from the peer-to-peer business operations will be revenue for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting or after January 3, 2024 commencing at 2:30 p.m. at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003​​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 15​, 2023.
Aviation Department
A.R.S. § 28-9614​​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
William Robinson, Aviation Department
01/03/24 ​(or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to amend Phoenix City Code (PCC), Chapter 4 Aviation, Sections 4-1, 4-190 and 4-192 to clarify the application of Commercial Use Permit (CUP) requirements and associated fees at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The amended language will not create a new fee or increase an existing fee, but will more clearly define the types of services that are subject to and exempted from CUP requirements and associated fees as noted here:

1. Amended PCC Section 4-1 will establish that a consortium of Air carriers will be treated as an Air carrier for purposes of subjecting aviation-related service(s), provided to a consortium, to CUP requirements and associated fees.

2. Amended PCC Sections 4-1 and 4-190 will exempt aviation-related service(s), provided to or by an Affiliate, from CUP requirements and associated fees.

3. Amended PCC 4-1 will establish that baggage delivery service of an airlines’ mishandled luggage or packages from the airport premises to its passenger(s) will not be considered a courier type service and will therefore not be exempt from CUP requirements and associated fees.

The fees generated from CUPs are revenue for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting or after January 3, 2024 commencing at 2:30 p.m. at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003​​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: November 1​, 2023.
Aviation Department
PCC § 4-1, 4-190 and 4-192​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
Clifton Looper, Aviation Department
01/03/24 ​(or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a new fee on peer-to-peer vehicle sharing operators at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). The fee will be compensation from peer-to-peer vehicle sharing operators and their shared vehicle owners to use certain PHX facilities when conducting operations that provide vehicle sharing services for the convenience of the public at PHX. The fees generated from the peer-to-peer business operations will be revenue for the City of Phoenix Aviation Department.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting or after January 3, 2024 commencing at 2:30 p.m. at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003​​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: November 1​, 2023.
Aviation Department
A.R.S. § 28-9614​​​​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 273-8857
William Robinson, Aviation Department
09/30/23 (or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a fee for Short-Term Rental permits and renewals. The proposed amendment to the Phoenix City Code, Sections 10-193 through 10-197 and adding Sections 10-198 through 206 to Chapter 10, Article XVI related to Short-Term Vacation Rentals will incorporate Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 9-500.39 requirements for obtaining a STR permit and charging fees for new permits and renewals to Short-Term Rental Owners/Operators.

The City of Phoenix is proposing a $250 fee for new permits and renewals. If approved, the new fees would be effective 30 days after City Council approval, which is October 6, 2023.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on September 30, 2023, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: September 5​, 2023.
Planning and Development Department
A.R.S. § 9-500.39​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 397-0308
Marc Thornton, Principal Planner, Planning and Development Department
09/06/23 (or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a fee for Short-Term Rental permits and renewals. The proposed amendment to the Phoenix City Code, Sections 10-193 through 10-197 and adding Sections 10-198 through 206 to Chapter 10, Article XVI related to Short-Term Vacation Rentals will incorporate Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 9-500.39 requirements for obtaining a STR permit and charging fees for new permits and renewals to Short-Term Rental Owners/Operators.

The City of Phoenix is proposing a $250 fee for new permits and renewals. If approved, the new fees would be effective 30 days after City Council approval, which is October 6, 2023.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on September 6, 2023, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: August 21​, 2023.
Planning and Development Department
A.R.S. § 9-500.39​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 397-0308
Marc Thornton, Principal Planner, Planning and Development Department
09/06/23 (or later)
​The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a fee for Short-Term Rental permits and renewals. The proposed amendment to the Phoenix City Code, Sections 10-193 through 10-197 and adding Sections 10-198 through 206 to Chapter 10, Article XVI related to Short-Term Vacation Rentals will incorporate Arizona Revised Statute (A.R.S.) 9-500.39 requirements for obtaining a STR permit and charging fees for new permits and renewals to Short-Term Rental Owners/Operators.

The City of Phoenix is proposing a $250 fee for new permits and renewals. If approved, the new fees would be effective 30 days after City Council approval, which is October 6, 2023.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on September 6, 2023, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007​.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download PDF for more information​.​​
This notice of intent is posted effective: July 6​, 2023.
Planning and Development Department
A.R.S. § 9-500.39​
More Information/Contact: 
(602) 397-0308
Marc Thornton, Principal Planner, Planning and Development Department
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, section 9-511.01, the City Council announces its intention to consider increases in the wastewater rate revenue and/or rate components over the next two fiscal years.

Rate revenue increases are identified in the Water Services Department’s Financial Plan, as necessary, to generate revenue required to invest in the future of the City of Phoenix by developing infrastructure necessary to prepare for declared shortages on the Colorado River by rehabilitating the Cave Creek Reclamation Plant to include advanced water purification; offset financial pressure imposed by substantial increases in costs to supplies and materials due to inflation; and maintain an adequate fund balance to retain a AAA bond rating. A wastewater rate revenue increase will be considered that may total up to 20 percent for wastewater to be effective over the next two fiscal years. The following was provided to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee for the proposed rate revenue increases in FY2024 and in FY2025, shown below:

• Wastewater rate revenue increases of 6.5 percent effective October 2023, 6.5 percent effective March 2024, and 7 percent effective March 2025.

The wastewater rate revenue and/or rate component increase will apply to all wastewater service customers served by the City of Phoenix. .

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
Rate information is available online at ​ The proposed rate increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on or after June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details.
This notice of intent is posted effective: June 12, 2023.
Water Services Department
A.R.S. § 9-511.01
More Information/Contact:
and provide comments or feedback online​
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, section 9-511.01, the City Council announces its intention to consider increases in water rate revenues and/or rate components over the next two fiscal years.

Rate revenue increases are identified in the Water Services Department’s Financial Plan as necessary to generate revenue required to maintain the reliable and cost-effective water services and invest in the future of the City of Phoenix. The rate revenues proposed will offset financial pressure imposed by substantial increases in costs to supplies and materials due to inflation and maintain an adequate fund balance to retain a AAA bond rating. A water rate revenue and/or rate component increase will be considered that may total up to 26 percent for water to be effective over the next two fiscal years. Decreasing the base allowance of cubic feet of water included with service will also be considered. The following was provided to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee for the proposed rate revenue increases in FY2024 and in FY2025, shown below:

• Water rate revenue increases of 6.5 percent effective October 2023, 6.5 percent effective March 2024, and 13 percent effective March 2025; and
• Decrease the allowance to 800 cubic feet in the summer months and 500 cubic feet in the non-summer months from the current level of 1000 cubic feet in the summer months and 600 cubic feet in the non-summer months.

The water rate revenue and/or rate component increases will apply to all water service customers served by the City of Phoenix.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
 Rate information is available online at The proposed rate increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on or after June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details.
This notice of intent is posted effective: June 12, 2023.
Water Services Department
A.R.S. § 9-511.01
More Information/Contact:
and provide comments or feedback online​
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of a proposed increase to the Stormwater Excise tax. 

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed tax increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details. 
See information related to the proposed tax under notice date of March 20, 2023​.
This notice of intent is posted effective: June 12, 2023.
Water Services Department, Street Transportation Department, Planning and Development Department​
Phoenix City Code 37-65(B)
More Information/Contact: (include Stormwater Excise Tax in the subject line)

Stormwater Program​
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, section 9-511.01, the City Council announces its intention to consider increases in the wastewater rate revenue and/or rate components over the next two fiscal years and set a date for a public hearing to consider the proposed rate revenue increases.

Rate revenue increases are identified in the Water Services Department’s Financial Plan, as necessary, to generate revenue required to invest in the future of the City of Phoenix by developing infrastructure necessary to prepare for declared shortages on the Colorado River by rehabilitating the Cave Creek Reclamation Plant to include advanced water purification; offset financial pressure imposed by substantial increases in costs to supplies and materials due to inflation; and maintain an adequate fund balance to retain a AAA bond rating. A wastewater rate revenue increase will be considered that may total up to 20 percent for wastewater to be effective over the next two fiscal years. The following was provided to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee for the proposed rate revenue increases in FY2024 and in FY2025, shown below:

• Wastewater rate revenue increases of 6.5 percent effective October 2023, 6.5 percent effective March 2024, and 7 percent effective March 2025.

The wastewater rate revenue and/or rate component increase will apply to all wastewater service customers served by the City of Phoenix. .

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
Information has been and is being provided at the March, April, and May Village Planning Committee Meetings. Additional public meetings were also held and continue to be held. Meeting information is available online at The proposed was rate increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on or after June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details.
This notice of intent is posted effective: May 16, 2023.
Water Services Department
A.R.S. § 9-511.01
More Information/Contact:
and provide comments or feedback online​
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, section 9-511.01, the City Council announces its intention to consider increases in water rate revenues and/or rate components over the next two fiscal years and set a date for a public hearing to consider the proposed rate revenue increases.

Rate revenue increases are identified in the Water Services Department’s Financial Plan as necessary to generate revenue required to maintain the reliable and cost-effective water services and invest in the future of the City of Phoenix. The rate revenues proposed will offset financial pressure imposed by substantial increases in costs to supplies and materials due to inflation and maintain an adequate fund balance to retain a AAA bond rating. A water rate revenue and/or rate component increase will be considered that may total up to 26 percent for water to be effective over the next two fiscal years. Decreasing the base allowance of cubic feet of water included with service will also be considered. The following was provided to the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Innovation Subcommittee for the proposed rate revenue increases in FY2024 and in FY2025, shown below:

• Water rate revenue increases of 6.5 percent effective October 2023, 6.5 percent effective March 2024, and 13 percent effective March 2025; and
• Decrease the allowance to 800 cubic feet in the summer months and 500 cubic feet in the non-summer months from the current level of 1000 cubic feet in the summer months and 600 cubic feet in the non-summer months.

The water rate revenue and/or rate component increases will apply to all water service customers served by the City of Phoenix.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
Information has been and is being provided at the March, April, and May Village Planning Committee Meetings. Additional public meetings were also held and continue to be held. Meeting information is available online at The proposed was rate increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on or after June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details.
This notice of intent is posted effective: May 16, 2023.
Water Services Department
A.R.S. § 9-511.01
More Information/Contact:
and provide comments or feedback online​
06/28/23 (or later)Tax
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of a proposed increase to the Stormwater Excise tax. This increase is primarily the result of new and expanded permit requirements from the City’s latest MS4 permit, which became effective July 1, 2021. This increase is projected to provide the additional revenue required for the Program through October 2028.

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
Information will be provided at the March and April Village Planning Committee Meetings. Additional public meeting information is available online at The proposed tax increase will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal meeting on or after June 28, 2023, at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details. 
Download English Information (PDF)
Descargar información en español​ (PDF)​
This notice of intent is posted effective: March 20, 2023.
Water Services Department, Street Transportation Department, Planning and Development Department​
Phoenix City Code 37-65(B)
More Information/Contact:

Stormwater Program​
04/05/23 (or later)Fee Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix Public Works Department hereby gives notice of its intent to increase the solid waste disposal facility fees.
Solid Waste Facility Fees.
Disposal Site: 27th Ave. Solid Waste Management Facility​
Current Fee: $44.00
Proposed Fee: $55.00

Disposal Site: North Gateway Tansfer Station​
Current Fee: $44.00
Proposed Fee: $55.00

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on or after April 5, 2023*, at 2:30 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
*Agenda item was re-scheduled to the April 19, 2023 Phoenix CIty Council Formal Meeting.
2. Reference for more details. 
Phoenix City Council will consider raising the solid waste disposal facility fees charged to disposal customers. Information related to the current fees and disposal process is available on the City of Phoenix website here: ​ under '’For Disposal Customers.’
This notice of intent is posted effective: March 13, 2023.
Public Works ​​DepartmentA.R.S. § 9-499.15; A.R.S. § 49-742 Phoenix City Code 27-53 ​​
More Information/Contact: 
Felipe Moreno, Public Work Department
04/05/23 (or later)Fee Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix Public Works Department hereby gives notice of its intent to increase the solid waste disposal facility fees.
Solid Waste Facility Fees.
Disposal Site: 27th Ave. Solid Waste Management Facility​
Current Fee: $44.00
Proposed Fee: $55.00

Disposal Site: North Gateway Tansfer Station​
Current Fee: $44.00
Proposed Fee: $55.00

1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on or after April 5, 2023, at 2:30 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details. 
Phoenix City Council will consider raising the solid waste disposal facility fees charged to disposal customers. Information related to the current fees and disposal process is available on the City of Phoenix website here: ​ under '’For Disposal Customers.’
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 1, 2023.
Public Works ​​DepartmentA.R.S. § 9-499.15; A.R.S. § 49-742 Phoenix City Code 27-53 ​​
More Information/Contact: 
Felipe Moreno, Public Work Department
Not Applicable
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase Aviation Department, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Parking Rates charged to the Public, as defined by Phoenix City Code 4-58 Parking Rates, to allow for the Daily and Hourly Parking Rate Increase. Rate changes are as follows​.
Daily Parking Rates:
Daily Parking Rates
Hourly Parking Rates: The Hourly Rate will be $4 for the first hour and then $2 for every 30 minutes thereafter. ​The Daily Rate will be charged when the Hourly Parking Fee reaches the Daily Rate for that Parking Facility.
Effective Date: New Rates to take effect February 25, 2022
Aviation​DepartmentPhoenix City Code 4-58 Parking Rates​
More Information/Contact: 
Craig Doyle, Superintendent Aviation Parking Services and Rental Car Center​​
Not Applicable
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to increase Aviation Department, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Parking Rates charged to the Public, as defined by Phoenix City Code 4-58 Parking Rates, to allow for the Daily and Hourly Parking Rate Increase. Rate changes are as follows​.
Daily Parking Rates:
Daily Parking Rates
Hourly Parking Rates: The Hourly Rate will be $4 for the first hour and then $2 for every 30 minutes thereafter. ​The Daily Rate will be charged when the Hourly Parking Fee reaches the Daily Rate for that Parking Facility.
Effective Date: New Rates to take effect February 25, 2022
Aviation​DepartmentPhoenix City Code 4-58 Parking Rates​
More Information/Contact: 
Craig Doyle, Superintendent Aviation Parking Services and Rental Car Center​​
5/19/2021 (or later)
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
On or after May 19, 2021, the Phoenix City Council may consider a change to the Phoenix Fire Department Fire Prevention Fee Schedule regarding photovoltaic and energy storage systems. These changes relate to the determining factor, based on system size, as to whether a plan review or over the counter permit is required.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The Proposed fee changes may be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on or after May 19, 2021, at 2:30 P.M. via a virtual meeting. Information on City Council virtual meetings can be found at:
2.  Reference to more details​.
A schedule of the proposed fee changes are available on the City of Phoenix's website at:
This notice of intent is posted effective: May 3, 2021.
Fire ​DepartmentARS 9-499.15; Fire Prevention Fee Schedule, Chapter 15, Revisions on 3/4/2020 by Ordinance No. G-6677​
More Information/Contact: 
Asst. Fire Marshal Eric Williams
Fire Department​
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
On or after April 21, 2021, the Phoenix City Council may consider increased fees in regards to the downtown shared electric scooter pilot program within the city of Phoenix. If approved, the increased fees will be charged to recover the costs of implementing, administering and measuring the performance of the shared electric scooter pilot program. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed new fees may be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on April 21, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.​
2. Reference to more details.
Download PDF with more information
This notice of intent is posted effective: April 1, 2021.
Street Transportation ​DepartmentA.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Sections 31-80, 31-85, and 31-86, and creating new Sections 36-300 through 36-307​
More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez
Street Transportation Department​
5/19/2021 (or later)
Notice of Intent to Modify a Fee
On or after May 19, 2021, the Phoenix City Council may consider a change to the Phoenix Fire Department Fire Prevention Fee Schedule regarding photovoltaic and energy storage systems. These changes relate to the determining factor, based on system size, as to whether a plan review or over the counter permit is required.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The Proposed fee changes may be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on or after May 19, 2021, at 2:30 P.M. via a virtual meeting. Information on City Council virtual meetings can be found at:
2.  Reference to more details​.
A schedule of the proposed fee changes are available on the City of Phoenix's website at:
This notice of intent is posted effective: March 16, 2021.
Fire ​DepartmentARS 9-499.15; Fire Prevention Fee Schedule, Chapter 15, Revisions on 3/4/2020 by Ordinance No. G-6677​
More Information/Contact: 
Asst. Fire Marshal Eric Williams
Fire Department​
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
On or after April 7, 2021, the Phoenix City Council may consider increased fees in regards to the downtown shared electric scooter pilot program within the city of Phoenix. If approved, the increased fees will be charged to recover the costs of implementing, administering and measuring the performance of the shared electric scooter pilot program. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed new fees may be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on April 7, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.​
2. Reference to more details.
Download PDF with more information
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 1, 2021.
Street Transportation ​DepartmentA.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Sections 31-80, 31-85, and 31-86, and creating new Sections 36-300 through 36-307​
More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez
Street Transportation Department​
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on March 4, 2020 commencing at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
A schedule of the proposed new and increased fees is available on the City of Phoenix'​s website here:
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 18, 2020.
Fire DepartmentARS 9-499.15; Phoenix Fire Code, Chapter 15 Revision on 6-19-2019 by Ordinance No. G-6601, eff. 7-19-2019 More Information/Contact: 
Asst. Fire Marshal Eric Williams
Fire Department
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
On or after March 4, 2020 the Phoenix City Council will be adopting an amendment to City Code Chapter 2, Article I, section 2-22, creating the ability to hold the owner of the premises and any person who is in actual or lawful control of the premises responsible for multiple police visits. In addition, the proposed amendment updates the service liability: 1. $1,000, for the first incident within twelve-month period (existing provision); 2. $1,500, for the second incident within twelve-month period; 3. $2,000, for the third and subsequent incident within twelve-month period. If approved the new fees and fines would become effective 30 days after City Council approval.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on March 4, 2020 commencing at 2:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
Information related to the proposed fees is available on the City of Phoenix website here: under notice date of December 17, 2019.
This notice of intent is posted effective: February 18, 2020.
Planning & Development DepartmentCity Code by amending Chapter 2, Article I, section 2-22 More Information/Contact: 
Odette Bakker
Planning & Development Department
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
The City of Phoenix Public Works Department hereby gives notice of its intent to increase solid waste fees and establish a new commercial hauler permit fee.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its policy meeting on February 11, 2020, commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference for more details. 
Information related to the proposed fees is available on the City of Phoenix website here: under notice date of November 22, 2019.
This notice of intent is posted effective: January 24, 2020.
Public Works Department​A.R.S. § 9-499.15; A.R.S. § 49-742 More Information/Contact: 
Joe Giudice
Public Works Department
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
On or after March 18, 2020, the Phoenix City Council may consider increased fees in regards to the downtown shared electric scooter pilot program within the city of Phoenix. If approved, the increased fees will be charged to recover the costs of implementing, administering and measuring the performance of the shared electric scooter pilot program. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed new fees may be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on March 18, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
Download PDF with more information
This notice of intent is posted effective: January 10, 2020
Street Transportation DepartmentA.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Sections 31-80, 31-85, and 31-86, and creating new Sections 36-300 through 36-307 More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez
Street Transportation Department
Notice of Intent to Establish, and Increase a Fee
On or after February 19, 2020 the Phoenix City Council will be adopting an amendment to City Code Chapter 2, Article I, section 2-22, creating the ability to hold the owner of the premises and any person who is in actual or lawful control of the premises responsible for multiple police visits. In addition, the proposed amendment updates the service liability: 1. $1,000, for the first incident within twelve-month period (existing provision); 2. $1,500, for the second incident within twelve-month period; 3. $2,000, for the third and subsequent incident within twelve-month period. If approved the new fees and fines would become effective 30 days after City Council approval.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fee will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on February 19, 2020 commencing at 2:30 PM (Continued to March 4, 2020). The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
A draft of the proposed ordin​ance revision and related fees is available on the City of Phoenix'​s website here:
Download PDF with more information.
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 17, 2019
Planning & Development DepartmentCity Code by amending Chapter 2, Article I, section 2-22 More Information/Contact: 
Odette Bakker
Planning & Development Department
Notice of Intent to Standardize, Establish, and Increase Fees on a Business
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on February 19, 2020 commencing at 2:30 PM (Continued to March 4, 2020). The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 W. Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
A schedule of the proposed new and increased fees is available on the City of Phoenix'​s website here:
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 16, 2019.
Fire DepartmentARS 9-499.15; Phoenix Fire Code, Chapter 15 Revision on 6-19-2019 by Ordinance No. G-6601, eff. 7-19-2019 More Information/Contact: 
Asst. Fire Marshal Eric Williams
Fire Department
Notice of Intent to Standardize Fees on a Business
The City of Phoenix hereby gives notice of its intent to standardize Video Service License fees charged to providers of video service, as defined by 13 A.R.S. § 9-14011, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a video service or cable television system in the City of Phoenix.
1. Date, time, and place of meeting.
The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on December 18, 2019 commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003.
2. Reference to more details.
Information related to the proposed fee standardization is available on the City of Phoenix’s website here: under notice date of October 18, 2019.
This notice of intent is posted effective: December 2, 2019.
Information Technology Services13 A.R.S. § 9 More Information/Contact: 
Juanita Carver
Information Technology Services Department
Notice of Intent to Establish and Increase Fees on a Business
​The City of Phoenix Aviation Department hereby gives notice of its intent to establish a new fee and to increase an existing fee on Commercial Ground Transportation Providers at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. 
1. Date, time, and place of meeting. The proposed fees will be considered by the Phoenix City Council at its formal meeting on December 18, 2019 commencing at 2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003. 
2. Reference to more details. A schedule of the proposed new and increased fees and a written report that supports the new and increased fees are available on the City of Phoenix’s website here: ​under notice date of October 18, 2019. 
​This notice of intent is posted effective: November 26, 2019. 
Aviation Department​A.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Section, Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4-78More Information/Contact: 
Jordan Feld
Aviation Department
11/22​​​/2019On or after 01/29/2020Rates/Fee
On or after January 29, 2020 the Phoenix City Council will consider increased solid waste fees. If approved, the solid waste residential fee may increase up to $6.40 per month, with a two percent inflation factor annually from 2021 through 2026. Alternately, City Council may approve a phased in approach where the solid waste residential fee may increase up to $3.75 per month in the first year and up to $3.25 per month in the second year, with a two percent inflation factor annually from 2022 through 2026. If approved the new fees would become effective 30 days after City Council approval.
The proposed increased fees also include increased tipping fees for customers at the transfer stations and implementing a new commercial hauler permit program similar to programs in most other Valley cities. Revenue from the new commercial hauler permit program is designed to cover a portion of the costs associated with providing citywide code enforcement and community clean-up events. Additional detail regarding the four-solid waste fee and service level options is outlined in the attached report. Download PDF with more information.
Public Works DepartmentA.R.S. § 9-499.15; A.R.S. § 49-742 More Information/Contact: 
Joe Giudice
Public Works Department
​On or after December 18, 2019 the Phoenix City Council will conduct a public hearing on proposed changes to development impact fees. Between 30 and 60 days following the public hearing, Council will approve or disapprove an ordinance implementing changes to the development impact fees. If approved, the changes would take effect no sooner than 75 days after the date of Council approval. The City charges development impact fees in designated parts of the City to ensure new development helps pay a proportionate share of the capital facility costs required to provide the following necessary public services: Fire, Police, Parks, Libraries, Streets, Storm Drainage (flood control), Water, Wastewater, and Water Supply.
On July 1, 2019 the Draft Infrastructure Financing Plan: 2020 Update that included a written report of updated land use assumptions and infrastructure improvements plans was posted to the City’s website and made available to the public. On September 4, 2019 the Phoenix City Council conducted a public hearing on the Draft Infrastructure Financing Plan. On October 16, 2019 the Phoenix City Council approved the Draft Infrastructure Financing Plan.
The recommended impact fee changes are summarized in the Impact Fee Report. The Impact Fee Report has been appended to the Infrastructure Financing Plan: 2020 Update and can be accessed from the City’s website at the following location:
Planning & Development DepartmentA.R.S. § 9-463.05
P.C.C. Chapter 29
More Information/Contact: 
Adam Miller
Planning & Development Department
On or after December 18, 2019 the Phoenix City Council will consider increased trip fees charged to ground transportation providers at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. If approved, the increased trip fees will be charged when authorized ground transportation providers pick up and drop off passengers at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. These fees will be charged to recover the costs for ground transportation infrastructure, improvements and maintenance including Sky Train. A schedule of the proposed fees is detailed in the attached report. Download PDF with more information.
The proposed increased fees will be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on December 18, 2019 at 2:30 pm in the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Information related to the proposed fees can be found at the link provided above.
Aviation Department​A.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Section, Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4-78More Information/Contact: 
Jordan Feld
Aviation Department
On or after December 18, 2019 the Phoenix City Council will consider standardization of Video Service License fees charged to providers of video service, as defined by 13 A.R.S. § 9-14011, to allow them to engage in the business of operating a video service or cable television system in the City of Phoenix. The City of Phoenix currently has Cable Franchise License agreements with cable television providers, allowing them access to the City’s rights-of-way. This action would apply the same fee to any new video service providers. Download PDF with more information.
The proposed standardization of fees will be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on December 18, 2019 at 2:30 pm in the Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Information related to the proposed fees can be found at the link provided above.
Information Technology Services​13 A.R.S. § 9More Information/Contact: 
Juanita Carver
Information Technology Services Department
On or after June 26, 2019 the Phoenix City Council will consider new fees associated with administration of a Non-standard Crosswalk Policy. If approved, a fee will be charged to recover the costs of administering and reviewing an application for a request for a non-standard crosswalk treatment. Download PDF with more information.
The policy and proposed new fee will be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on June 26, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Information related to the proposed fee can be found at the link provided above.
Street Transportation Department​9-499.15More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez
Street Transportation Department
02/01/2019​​After 03/31/2019​Fee
After March 31, 2019 the Phoenix City Council may consider an amendment to the Phoenix City Code related to scrap metal dealers. The potential change would remove the existing licensing exemption for businesses that deal exclusively in used beverage containers, such as aluminum cans. The result of this change would be that current licensing fees related to scrap metal dealers would apply to some businesses that were not previously required to pay them. Download PDF with more information.City Clerk Department​9-499.15 and 44-1648More Information/Contact: 
Elizabeth Martin Parker
City Clerk Department
On or after March 20, 2019 the Phoenix City Council will consider implementation of new fees in regards to a downtown shared electric scooter pilot program within the city of Phoenix. If approved, fees will be charged to recover the costs of implementing, administering and measuring the performance of the shared electric scooter pilot program. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report. Download PDF with more information.
The proposed new fees will be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on March 20, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Information related to the proposed fees can be found at the link provided above.
Street Transportation Department​A.R.S. 9-499.15; Phoenix City Code Sections 31-80, 31-85, and 31-86, and creating new Sections 36-300 through 36-307
More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez
Street Transportation Department
On or after January 22, 2019, the Phoenix City Council will consider new fees associated with administration of inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements of the Phoenix Fire Code. If approved, the fees will be charged to recover the costs associated with administration of records, community education, and investigation of non-compliance. Download PDF with more information.
Fire Department​ARS 9-499.15
More Information/Contact: 
Deputy Chief Tim Kreis
Fire Department
On or after June 27, 2018 the Phoenix City Council will consider implementation of new fees in regards to dockless bikesharing services within the city of Phoenix. If approved, fees will be charged to recover the costs of implementing and measuring the performance of the bikeshare program. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report.
Download PDF with more information.
The proposed new fees will be heard at the Phoenix City Council Formal Meeting on June 27, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003. Information related to the proposed fees can be found at the link provided above.
Street Transportation Department​ARS 9-499.15; Phoenix Municipal Charter Chapter 36, Article IX, Sections 36-111 and 36-114 and creating new sections 36-111.1, 36-111.2, and 36-111.3
More Information/Contact: 
Briiana Velez,
Street Transportation Department
On or after March 21, 2018 the Phoenix City Council will consider implementation of a new licensing program for structured sober living homes. If approved, fees will be charged to recover the costs of Structured Sober Living Home and Structured Sober Living Home Manager license application processing and inspections. A schedule of proposed fees is detailed in the attached report.
Download PDF with more information.
City Clerk​ARS 9-499.15 and 9-500.40More Information/Contact: 
Elizabeth Martin Parker,
City Clerk Department
(Parks Board
Meeting Date)
​FeeEffective on or after Feb. 22, 2018, and pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) Section 9-499.15, the City of Phoenix gives notice of a proposed increase in the Pueblo Grande Museum repository fee.
Download PDF with more information.
Parks and Recreation​A.R.S. 9-499.15
More Information/Contact: 
Nicole Armstrong-Best,
Parks and Recreation Department
​10/13​/2017 (Revised November 20, 2017)​​01/10/2018 (Revised November 20, 2017)​FeeOn or after February 9, 2018 and pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes Sections 9-591 through 9-599, the City of Phoenix gives notice of its proposed fees and rates for the installation of small wireless facilities (SWF) and monopoles in the right-of-way.
Download Information PDF
​Street Transportation ​A.R.S. 9-591 through 9-599More Information/Contact: 
Kini Knudson, Street Transportation Department
​09/29​/2017​​11/29/2017​FeeOn or after November 29, 2017, the City of Phoenix will bring forward for consideration by the City Council a proposed increase in the franchise license fee to five percent for Cox Communications Arizona, LLC, allowing them to engage in the business of operating a Cable System in the City of Phoenix. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes Section 9-506, the maximum cable license fee is five percent of gross revenues for cable television. The current fee is 4.7 percent, plus additional, variable contractual payments.
Download Information PDF
​Citywide​A.R.S. 9-506More Information/Contact: 
Juanita Carver, Information Technology Services Department
​02/09​/2017​​04/19/2017​FeePursuant to Arizona Revised Statues Section 9-499.15, Phoenix gives notice of proposed changes that may increase existing surcharge fees and costs to cut pavement within city of Phoenix right-of-way. Pursuant to Phoenix City Charter, Chapter IV, Section 2(45) and Phoenix City Code Section 31-7, on or after April 19, 2017, the city of Phoenix will bring forward a proposed ordinance for consideration by the Phoenix City Council to make certain changes to Phoenix City Code Section 31-38 related to the cutting of new street pavement or newly overlaid pavement. A schedule of existing surcharge fees may be found at the following and accessing Section 31-38. The proposed changes to the ordinance may include any or all of the following: (a) require an asphalt pavement mill and overlay treatment for all pavement cuts performed in new street pavement or newly overlaid pavement less than 36 months in age; (b) establish a new pavement cut surcharge fee structure for pavement cuts performed outside the timeframe established for any asphalt pavement mill and overlay treatment requirement set forth in (a) above; (c) set restorative pavement treatment limits at 25' on either side of all pavement cuts; and (d) require a micro-surfacing / slurry seal pavement treatment for all pavement cuts performed outside the timeframe established for any asphalt pavement mill and overlay treatment requirement set forth in (a) above. If adopted, the ordinance changes will become effective no earlier than July 1, 2017. The proposed changes are supported by a written report that can be found at the following: STREET PAVEMENT CUTS – POTENTIAL CITY ORDINANCE CHANGES (PDF) This report also includes a schedule of the proposed changes that may increase existing surcharge fees. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes Section 9-499.15, Phoenix provides a Notice of Intent related to proposed changes that may increase existing surcharge fees and costs to cut pavement within city of Phoenix right-of-way.  Approval of the changes will be heard at the Phoenix City Formal Council Meeting on April 19, 2017 at 2:30pm at the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.  Information related to the proposed changes supported by a written report can be found at the link provided above.
​Street Transportation​Phoenix City Code (PCC), Article III, Chapter 31, Section 38 - Permit fee and plan review fees.More Information/Contact: 
​11/04​/2016​​01/11/2017​FeeOn or after January 11, 2017, the City of Phoenix will bring forward a proposed ordinance for consideration by the Phoenix City Council making certain changes to Chapter 9, Appendix A.2 of the Phoenix City Code related to the fees charged for demolition permit applications. This ordinance will require a $300 application fee for exterior demolition of commercial buildings that are 50 years or older and for all buildings that have been identified as individually eligible for historic designation. The fee will cover administrative costs related to research and public notification required for these projects by the recently adopted amendment to Section 105.3.1 of the Phoenix Building Construction Code.​Planning & Development​A.R.S. Sec. 9-802; City of Phoenix Code Sec. 9-1; Sec. 109 of 2012 International Building Code as adopted and amended by G-5809.More Information/Contact: 
​​05/24​/2016​​07/01/2016​Tax​This update provides additional information related to the notice posted on 04/19/2016 regarding the proposed tax increases needed to address a $37 million shortfall in resources needed to satisfy debt service obligations. The City's Trial Budget identified options for City Council consideration to address that shortfall, including tax revenue increases, and the City sought input on these options from City residents through public budget hearings during the months of March and April. The options presented included increasing the property tax rate by up to $0.35 per $100 of assessed valuation (including changes to both the primary and secondary property tax rates), increasing the sales tax rate by up to 0.125%, implementing a food tax of up to 1.25%, or increasing water bill assessments by up to $5.25 per month per single family residential account and up to $33.50 for all other accounts based on water meter size. Following community input, the City Manager's proposed budget (which included a proposed property tax increase) was presented on May 3, 2017. On May 17, 2016 City Council approved the City Manager's proposed budget. Tentative budget adoption will occur on June 1, 2016. Final budget adoption will occur on June 15, 2016. Property tax rates and levies will be adopted by the City Council on July 1, 2016. ​Budget and Research​Phoenix Municipal Charter Chapter XVIII, Phoenix Municipal Code Chapter/Section 2-19, Arizona Revised Statutes 42-17151, Arizona Revised Statutes 9-499.15More Information/Contact: 
​04/19​/2016​​07/01/2016​TaxThe City of Phoenix has identified a need to address an approximately $37 million shortfall in resources used to satisfy debt service obligations. The City's Trial Budget identifies options for City Council consideration to address that shortfall, including tax revenue increases, and the City is seeking input on these options from City residents through public budget hearings during the months of March and April. City staff may recommend any one of the following options to the City Council during the budget development and adoption process: increasing the City's combined property tax rate by up to $0.35 per $100 of net assessed valuation (including changes to both the primary and secondary property tax rates), increasing the sales tax rate by up to 0.125%, implementing a food tax of up to 1.25%, or increasing water bill assessments by up to $5.25 per month. Staff may also recommend maintenance of existing tax rates.

- May 3, 2016: The City Manager's Budget will present staff recommendations to the City Council.
- May 17, 2016: City Council budget decisions are anticipated.
- June 1, 2016: Tentative budget adoption.
- June 15, 2016: Final budget adoption.
- July 1, 2016: Adoption of property tax rates and levies.

​Budget and Research​Phoenix Municipal Charter Chapter XVIII, Phoenix Municipal Code Chapter/Section 2-19, Arizona Revised Statutes 42-17151More Information/Contact: 
​​03/02/2016​​​05/04/2016​Ground Transportation Trip Fe​eOn or after May 4, 2016, the City of Phoenix will bring forward a proposed ordinance for consideration by the Phoenix City Council making certain changes to Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4-78 of the Phoenix City Code related to the fees charged for ground transportation motor vehicles at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The City is recommending a trip fee based upon the number of vehicle seats for all ground transportation vehicles picking up customers at the airport. For current, permitted ground transportation providers, the fees will be phased in over a three-year period as follows:

1-8 seats:     $2.75 per trip
9-23 seats:  $3.50 per trip
24+ seats:    $7.50 per trip

1-8 seats:     $3.25 per trip
9-23 seats:  $4.25 per trip
24+ seats:    $9.00 per trip

1-8 seats:     $4.00 per trip
9-23 seats:  $6.00 per trip
24+ seats:    $11.00 per trip

For new ground transportation providers, trip fees will be immediately implemented at the 2019 rates. Beginning in 2020, fees will be adjusted annually based upon the lesser of the consumer price index (Bureau of Labor Statistics - All Urban Areas: Los Angeles – Riverside – Orange County) or three (3)%. If approved, the fees will provide funding for operation of the ground transportation program at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, including maintenance of roadways and ground transportation waiting areas, capital costs, and personal services.
​Aviation​A.R.S. Section 28-8419; Phoenix City Code, Chapter 4, Article IV, Section 4-78More Information/Contact: 
​​6/10/2015​4/22/2015​Tax​On August 25, 2015, the City of Phoenix will present to its electors an ordinance for their consideration, that if approved would amend Chapter 14 of the Phoenix City Code to set the portion of the transaction privilege and use tax rate for transportation to 7/10ths of one penny per dollar, an increase from 4/10ths of one penny per dollar.  This ordinance, if approved by voters, would provide funds to expand the city's light rail and bus transit system, and provide funds to make improvements to city streets including paving of roads, construction of bicycle infrastructure and improving accessibility for people with disabilities. If adopted by voters, the tax shall be effective for 35 years and begin on Jan. 1, 2016. The Phoenix City Council approved referral of this item to the ballot at its April 22 Formal Meeting.​Public Transit and Street Transportation Departments​Contact:  
Phoenix Public Transit Department - 602-262-7242;
Phoenix Street Transportation Department - 602-262-6284​
​4/28/2015​7/1/2015​Citywide Recovery of Collections Fees​On or after July 1, 2015, the City of Phoenix will bring forward a proposed ordinance for consideration by the City Council making certain changes to Chapter 2, Article 1, Sections 2-25 and 2-26 of the Phoenix City Code related to the recovery of collection and lien claim processing fees and hold the debtor liable for the business expenses incurred by the City to collect the delinquent debt, fees, penalties and interest owed.  This ordinance will enhance the Citywide Collections initiative to recover revenues and minimize business costs, which may result in an increase in fees for certain debtors.  The Finance, Efficiency, Economy and Sustainability Committee unanimously approved staff recommendation on April 15, 2015 to present this item for City Council approval. ​Finance​N/A​Contact:
3/16/20157/1/2015TaxThe following is a revision to the previous notice posted on March 16, 2015. Under Arizona law, City of Phoenix property owners pay a primary property tax and a secondary property tax. City s​