The Phoenix Public Transit Department (PTD) provides Phoenix residents with a variety of transit options and services, which range from local and commuter buses to alternative transportation for senior citizens and individuals with special needs. Check out more via our easy-to-follow fact sheet.
The city of Phoenix funds transit, and other transportation improvements, through Transportation 2050 (T2050) - a local sales tax approved by Phoenix voters in 2015 – as well as county and federal funds. T2050 allows for enhanced bus service, transit-related technology improvements and fare media upgrades under the leadership of the Citizens Transportation Commission.
The Phoenix Public Transit Department is comprised of four divisions. The four divisions include Director's Office, Facilities and Oversight, Management Services, and Operations.
The Phoenix Public Transit Department is also the largest member of member of the Valley Metro / Regional Public Transportation Authority and participates in oversight of the METRO light rail system.
For more information, visit us at or follow us on Twitter.
Statement of Commitment to Customers
Declaracíon de Compromiso al Cliente History of the Department
Bus Stops and Facilities
Police - Transit Unit