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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Transfer Station and Materials Recovery Facility

    A solid waste collection truck dumps recyclables into a giant pile before they get sorted at the Materials Recovery Facility.

    Phoenix owns two strategically placed transfer stations, one in north Phoenix and one in South Phoenix. Transfer stations temporarily house all of the trash from Phoenix in preparation for hauling the materials to the State Route 85 Landfill in Buckeye.

    All recyclables in Phoenix are also sent to the transfer stations to be sorted by the adjoining Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). The MRF contains a series of machines and conveyors that sort glass, paper, metal, cardboard and plastic into separate bales.

    All green organics are sent to the 27th Avenue Compost Facility to be processed into quality compost.

    All loads must be properly secured

    All disposal loads must be properly secured from the point of origin to the end destination. Unsecured load penalty will be $20. Do not uncover your load before entering the facility.

    About the Transfer Stations

    • Regulated hazardous waste (please visit the HHW website for more information about household hazardous waste)
    • Polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) or wastes mixed with PCBs
    • Radioactive wastes
    • Infectious wastes
    • Commercial quantities of liquid wastes
    • Special Waste as defined under Arizona Revised Statutes

    Compost Containers

    Residents can purchase compost containers constructed from old garbage containers for $5. For more information about picking up a compost container at the transfer station, please send an email to Please provide your name, phone number and address in the email. A representative will reach back out with next steps.