We pride ourselves on providing safe and efficient movement of 1.7 million residents and goods, supporting citywide infrastructure projects that improve the quality of life in Phoenix.

The Street Transportation Department comprises four divisions — Street Maintenance, Traffic Services, Design and Construction Management, and Management Services — and the Office of the City Engineer.
Phoenix Street Services
Public Meetings
Get information about all current and past public meetings.
Street Closures Map
Use this interactive map to view all current street closures.
Pavement Maintenance Map
Use this interactive map to view all scheduled pavement maintenance.
Transportation 2050
Learn about all Transportation 2050 expansion investments in street and transit improvement through 2050.
Active Transportation Program
Access current programs that involve walking, bicycling, e-scooters, and other mobility devices.
Projects and Initiatives
Learn more about Capital Improvement Projects and other planned major infrastructure improvements.
Vision Zero
Find out how you can do your part to support the Road Safety Action Plan.
Report an Issue
If your matter is urgent and requires immediate attention, such as a traffic light outage or missing street sign, please contact the Street Maintenance Dispatch operator at 602-262-6441.

Contact the Street Transportation Department
200 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: 602-262-6284 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Email: StreetsP@phoenix.gov