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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Become a Program Instructor

    Instructors needed!

    Phoenix Parks and Recreation is looking for talented people, just like YOU, to bring classes and events to our communities.

    We are looking for creative and collaborative people who are interested in instructing classes in the following areas:

    • Arts & Crafts
    • Dance & Music
    • Sports & Fitness
    • Education & Development
    • Culture & Language
    • Computers & Coding
    • Culinary & Lifestyle
    • ...the class you can teach!

    Why partner with us?

    • Meaningful - Inspire others with your gifts!
    • Flexible - Make it work with your life!
    • Great Compensation - Negotiable and fair!
    • Inclusive & Diverse - Different is good!
    • Independent* - You're a partner! Not an employee

    *We contract individuals, LLCs, small businesses and corporations


    Steps for Becoming​ a Program Instructor

    Becoming an instructor with the Parks and Recreation Department is an easy two-step process.

    Step 1: Register to become a vendor with the City of Phoenix.

    Step 2: Apply by submitting a recreational services application. 

    Step 1: Register to become a vendor with the City of Phoenix

    Register through the City of Phoenix's procurePHX web portal to start the process. Registering with procurePHX is required to be considered for future opportunities. Be prepared to provide the following:​​

    • Name
      Or registered business name, if you are enrolling as a business.
    • Social Security Number (SSN)
      Or Employer Identification Number (EIN or FEIN), if you are enrolling as a business.
    • Tax Jurisdiction Code
      You will be provided a list of options to select from. Generally, the Tax Jurisdiction Code will be determined by your address.
    • Attach Completed W-9 IRS Form
      Only PDFs may be attached.
    • Product Category Number
      A list of options will be provided, scroll down and select Product Category #924420000 for "Instructors, Classes for the Public."

    Visit the procurePHX webpage for helpful tips and information.

    Please Note:
    After successfully completing Step 1, you will receive a "congratulation" e-mail stating you are a registered vendor with the City of Phoenix. Completing only Step 1 does not make you eligible to instruct classes with the Parks and Recreation Department. To complete Step 2, submit an recreation instructor application below. 

    Important Note for LLCs and Corporations:
    If you are a LLC or Corporation it is required that you be registered and in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission​. Sole proprietors do no not have to complete the process of registering with the Arizona Corporation Commission​.

    Important Notes

    After successfully completing Step 1, you will receive a "congratulation" e-mail stating you are a registered vendor with the City of Phoenix. Completing only Step 1 does not make you eligible to instruct classes with the Parks and Recreation Department. To complete Step 2, submit an recreation instructor application below. 

    For LLCs and Corporations:
    If you are a LLC or Corporation it is required that you be registered and in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission​. Sole proprietors do not have to complete the process of registering with the Arizona Corporation Commission​.

    Step 2: Apply by submitting a recreational services application

    Please Note: Email your application to Applications may be submitted at any time. ​The vendor list will be effective through April 30, 2029. ​​​

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