A+CTION Overview
To assist organizations that have reached a critical stage in artistic or institutional development by encouraging identification of internal needs important to the sustainability or growth of the organization. Growing/Sustaining initiatives can include strategies targeting:
- Program planning and evaluation
- Financial systems, reporting, and controls
- Social Media, Marketing and public relations
- Personnel management and Human Resources issues
- Fundraising
- Artistic, education, or community outreach program development
- Board development
Full Eligibility
To qualify for funding, an applicant organization must meet the following criteria at the time of application:
- Must be a non-profit arts or cultural organization based within the city of Phoenix
- Must have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Documentation of this status must accompany the application
- The organization must be in good standing concerning all contract agreements with the City of Phoenix
- Must have been in existence and actively programming for a minimum of three years
- Must have a minimum prior year income of no less than $25,000
- Must have a completed DataArts Profile with three years of financial data
Not Eligible to Apply: Festival Organizations (and organizations that produce a single annual event), Schools, Community-Based Organizations, Non-Phoenix Based Arts and Cultural Organizations, Rental Facilities, Local Arts Agencies, Colleges and Universities, City Departments, Arts Service Organizations, Organizations without a 501(c)3
NOTE: The City of Phoenix cannot legally fund applications from organizations incorporated for religious purposes or organizations affiliated with religious organizations.
DataArts Participation
Applying in this category requires that the applicant participate in the DataArts (formerly Cultural Data Project) which involves creating a profile, entering fiscal year data, and printing a report required as part of this application. The initial time and effort involved in DataArts is substantial and must be completed PRIOR to applying for General Operating Support.
Award Amount
Applicants do NOT make specific funding requests. Organizations supported through this grant will receive an annual operating flat grant award between $5,000 and $7,000, subject to allocation of funds by the Phoenix City Council. Prior year funding does not guarantee future funding.
Evaluation Criteria
Full Applications are evaluated and ranked by panelists using the following criteria:
Public Value (40% of Score)
- Audience served and efforts to broaden, deepen, and diversify participation in programs
- Quality of Education and Community programs and partnerships
- Organization's commitment to inclusive and equitable strategies and policies
- Strength of efforts and strategies to measure impact of programs
Artistic/Cultural Value (30%)
- Organization's contribution to the vitality and diversity of Phoenix's arts and cultural environment
- Commitment to new works and works that contribute to the advancement of the art form
- Commitment to hiring/featuring Phoenix artists and culture workers
- Quality of support materials
Growth and Sustainability (30%)
- Organization's overall fiscal health
- Quality of strategies or initiatives implemented in the past year to grow/sustain the organization
- Qualifications and experience of staff, volunteers and board
- Quality of staff/board/artistic training or professional development in the past year and impact on growth/sustainability
- Impact of needs/issues identified as important to growth/sustainability in the next year