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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Arizona Task Force 1

    Phoenix City Hall
    FEMA Logo

    National Urban Search and Rescue Response System

    Arizona Task Force 1 is one of 28 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) task forces in the United States. AZ-TF1 team is based in Phoenix, Arizona and both sponsored and managed by The Phoenix Fire Department Special Operations Section.

    AZ-TF1 remains in a constant state of readiness for rapid deployment as a Type I or modular US&R resource with competencies in; swift water rescue, technical rescue, structural collapse and heavy rescue, hazardous materials detection, emergency paramedicine, canine live find, and human remains detection.

    It is the mission of Arizona Task Force 1 to maintain preparedness for an activation and response to urban search and rescue environments on both a local and national level. To successfully fulfill this mission, AZ-TF1 will continuously build those capabilities necessary to effectively plan, prepare, respond, and perform in those communities overwhelmed by the impact of a large-scale incident.

    AZ-TF1 Core Values

    •  Teamwork  
    •  Health and wellness
    •  Inovation and empowerment
    •  Integrity and honesty
    •  Service excellence

    Deployment History

    • 1994 Northridge earthquake, Los Angeles County, CA
    • 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    • 2001 World Trade Center, New York City, New York
    • 2002 Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City, Utah
    • 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster
    • 2005 Hurricane Katrina
    • 2008 Hurricane Ike/Gustav

    Additional Links and Information

    Contact AZTF1

     2430 S. 22nd Ave.
    Phoenix, AZ 85009

    Phone: 602-256-3435
    Fax: 602-534-4349
    6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.  M-Th