Annexation is a method by which a city or town extends and increases its corporate limits. The process is closely governed by Arizona law. (Title 9, Chapter 4, Article 7, Arizona Revised Statutes).
Based on these laws, each property owner within a proposed annexation area is notified of the public hearing for the proposed annexation by mail, advertisement in the newspaper and posting of notices within the area to be annexed. To annex an area, the owners of one-half or more of the total assessed value and more that one-half of the owners must sign a petition in favor of annexation. This enables each property owner within the area to have a fair say in the annexation.
The following is more specific information about the annexation process, annexation benefits, and annexation forms, which are in PDF format. To view files in this format, you must download a copy of the Adobe Reader and follow the instructions for installation.
For more information on annexation, please call 602-256-3245 or e-mail