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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Financial Disclosure

    City Code Section 12-1401 requires all local public officers and candidates for local office to file financial disclosure statements.  Each candidate for Mayor or City Council Member must file the disclosure at the time the person files their nomination papers.  If an office was held during the previous calendar year, elected officials must file the statement annually by January 31.  Each statement covers the preceding 12 month period. 

    Elected Officials

    To view the most recent financial disclosure statement filed by your elected official, select the official's name below.  


    November 5, 2024 Election​ Candidates

    Candidates for Mayor:

    ​​​Candidates for Council District 1:​​

    ​​​Candidates for Council District 3: 

    ​​​Candidates for Council District 5: 

    ​​​Candidates for Council District 7: ​​

    Candidates for Council District 7 (Special Vacancy)​: ​​

    Write-in Candidat​es

    • ​To be added at a later date, if applicable.

    For additional information, please contact the City Clerk Department at 602-262-6837.​​


    ​Phone: 602-262-6837
    Fax: 602-495-5847
    Address: 200 W Washington St, 15th Fl, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1611