At the present time, access to City Hall is by appointment only. Please contact us at 602-262-4638 to make an appointment.
Vending Licenses
By Appointment Only
Who/What requires a license?
The city of Phoenix does not have or issue a general business/vending license. Vending licensing requirements and vending rules change depending on the vending location and type of regulated vending activity.
How do I get started?
Determine the type of license(s) you will need (if any).
- For vending on property outside, in a street, or on a sidewalk - review the Vending Snapshot & Changes in State Law for Vendors Using a Vehicle (HB 2371) plus the detailed information for each of the following regulated activities and apply for any required license(s)
- For other types of vending, review the detailed information for each of the following regulated activities and apply for any required license(s):
Other Items You May Need
From other City of Phoenix Departments:
- Authorization to have an event in a city park or on a city street
- Planning and Development Department
From other State or County Agencies: