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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Strategic Plan

    About the Phoenix Strategic Plan

    To help guide decision-making at all levels of the organization, and to focus the city’s efforts on our core businesses, it is important that we develop a strategic plan for the city.  Throughout the budget cycle, a Phoenix Strategic Plan proves beneficial in communicating and setting budget priorities.

    Working in 10 Study Area committees, a team of more than 50 people worked to develop the draft Phoenix Strategic Plan documents.  Generally, each study area committee consisted of two city Champions, two Champions from the public, and one staff assistant from the city.  These committees met with other city staff, researched existing public documents, and outreached to external partners.  Each team submitted a draft document for their study area, and the documents were reviewed and revised at two Work Study Sessions of the City Council.

    Mission Statement

    As part of the strategic planning process, the city developed a mission statement: 

    "To improve the quality of life in Phoenix through efficient delivery of outstanding public services."

    This statement was adopted as part of the Phoenix Strategic Plan, and the citywide mission statement supports all of the individual mission statements for city departments. 

    Previous Strategic Plan

    The last Phoenix Corporate Strategic Plan was released in January 1990.  The Phoenix Corporate Strategic Plan, originally developed in 1988, intended to serve as a major policy statement to guide the direction of the city of Phoenix.  

    Developing a New Strategic Plan

    Based on a new set of challenges, and the need for a planning document to support the budget process, it was determined to be advantageous to develop a strategic plan.  The priorities in the strategic plan would assist in allocating or reallocating limited resources.  The ten study areas are: