The Phoenix Municipal Court is Arizona's largest limited jurisdiction court and is among the top 10 busiest municipal courts in the United States. The court handles cases that range from minor traffic violations to Class 1 misdemeanors carrying a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Annually, the court processes approximately 160,000 charges.

With pride and integrity, we provide equal access to justice, professional and impartial treatment, and the fair and timely resolution of all court matters.
Doing Business With the Court
Jury Duty
Learn about jury duty in Phoenix, including eligibility, responsibilities, and how to prepare for your service.
Protective Orders
Orders of Protection and Injunctions Against Harassment seek to prevent persons from committing acts of domestic violence or harassment against others.
Video Hearings
Attend civil traffic hearings online in Phoenix. Learn how to schedule and participate in video hearings for traffic violations.
Defensive Driving Program (DDP)
The Defensive Driving Program allows for dismissal of one eligible moving violation charge on a driver's traffic ticket upon successful completion.
Traffic and Parking Ticket Payment Options
At the Phoenix Municipal Court, there are three payment options to make payment on civil traffic or parking ticket fines: (1) online; (2) mail; (3) in-person.
Administrative Order 22-16
Administrative Order 22-16 outlines standards for remote and in-person hearings.
Court Copies and the Audio Record of Proceedings
Records requests made to the Phoenix Municipal Court are governed by Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123, titled Access to Judicial Records of the State of Arizona.
Court Interpreting and Translation Services (RFQu)
The Phoenix Municipal Court invites qualified offerors to submit a written Request for Qualifications (RFQu) to provide court interpreter services.
Language Access Plan
The court's Language Access Plan is designed to provide services to people with limited English proficiency in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Language Access Plan Complaint Form/Formulario de Reclamación
If you believe you have not been provided effective language assistance for any court proceeding or service, please complete a complaint form.
Petition to Seal Records
Additional Information
Court Assistance Through
Find information about court forms, court processes, and court information.
Court Media Coverage Guidelines
Discover the Phoenix Court's media coverage guidelines for courtroom reporting. Learn how to navigate media protocols effectively.
Specialty Courts
The Community, Veterans, and Behavioral Health courts are the Phoenix Municipal Court's three specialty courts, providing long-term solutions for offenders.
What We Don't Do
Discover what services the Phoenix Municipal Court doesn't provide, providing clarity on its roles and responsibilities for the community.
Fraud Alert - Text Messages Seeking Payment for Nonexistent Violations
Scammers have been sending people fake text messages that have been made to look like texts from the City of Phoenix or the Phoenix Municipal Court. The texts falsely claim that a "speed monitoring camera" has recorded a person speeding in a school zone and that the phony speeding violation can be handled by visiting or linking to a phony website to make payment, instead of appearing in court.
If you receive this text or a similar one, DO NOT VISIT THE WEBSITE, DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT, AND IMMEDIATELY DELETE THE MESSAGE. For any case in the Phoenix Municipal Court, the court will never seek or request payment by text or email. If you are unsure about any communication you have received seeking payment for a traffic violation or other offense that is asserted to be in the Phoenix Municipal Court, please call the court at 602-262-6421.
Always question any phone call, text, or email that:
- Asks for credit card numbers, debit card numbers, gift card numbers, wire transfers, or bank routing numbers for any purpose.
- Requests you make a payment through a pay app site such as Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Square, PayPal, etc.
- Asks you to provide any sensitive or personally identifying information like your date of birth or Social Security number.
The fake text messages described above are not connected with either the City of Phoenix or the Phoenix Municipal Court in any way.
Phoenix Veterans Court
Court of law or rehab program? Veterans Court is both.
Nationwide, 46% of people who have been incarcerated find themselves in jail within three years of their release. For veterans who pass through the Phoenix Veterans Court, just 4% ever return. Find out what makes this court so successful.
Veterans Coming Home is a project by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Kindling Group, and Wisconsin Public Television.
Contact the Phoenix Municipal Court
300 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85003-2103
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(excluding City holidays)
Phone: 602-262-6421
TTY: Use 7-1-1
Fax: 602-534-3628
For Americans With Disabilities Act accommodation, please call 602-262-1899.
Interpreters available. For more information contact Cristina Parra.
Interprete disponsible. Para más información comuniquese con Cristina Parra.
Cristina Parra
Office of the Court Interpreter
Phone: 602-261-8157