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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Community Assistance Program

    Community Assistance Program Mission Statement

    The City of Phoenix Fire Department Community Assistance Program (CAP) is committed to providing the highest level of on scene crisis intervention, behavioral health assistance and short-term case management for our community.  We strive to provide the best possible service to our internal and external customers. We achieve this by providing comprehensive, quality, crisis intervention and behavioral health services through a collaborative effort with public and private organizations within Maricopa County. 

    Mayor and City Council approved $15 million in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to expand the Fire Department's Community Assistance Program (CAP) to add nine Behavioral Health Units and to expand the Crisis Response Units from five units to 10 units to meet the needs of Phoenix residents experiencing a mental health crisis. Additionally, Mayor and Council approved $10 million in one-time, ARPA grant-funding to expand ongoing mental health resources and services provided to Phoenix residents.​


    Internship opportunities are currently being offered to Arizona State University School of Social Work students.  CAP offers paid internship for students who successfully apply, complete an interview process, and are selected for the position.  Interns must pass the City of Phoenix Fire Department background check.  Applications for internships are excepted for Casework Aide positions during specific times of the year.  To determine if applications are being accepted visit and search for Casework Aide (CAP Internship).

    For additional information on CAP Volunteer or Internship please contact us at 602-261-8849.

    After the Fire (PDF) - A Resource Guide to Help You and Your Family