Operations Division
The Firefighting Division, otherwise know as operations, provides fire protection, rescue services, and medical first responder service to over 1.4 million citizens in a service coverage area of over 519 square miles. With the growth of Phoenix, the division now handles over 148,000 emergency incidents a year.
With over a hundred Firefighters having their Paramedic certification, the department places Advanced Life Support equipment and supplies on all Fire Engines and Ladder Trucks. This gives these Firefighter-Paramedics the resources they need to deliver a higher level of medical care as a part of their first response to an incident.
The Phoenix Fire Department is one of the busiest fire departments in the United States.
PFD Quick Facts
- Over 1,600 uniformed Firefighters
- 58 Fire Stations
- 65 Engine Companies
- 14 Ladder Companies
- 32 Rescue Companies (ambulances)
The Firefighting Division also operates several Special Operations Teams:
- Aircraft Rescue Firefighters
- Hazardous Materials Response Team
- Technical Rescue Team
- Special Operations Team
The Firefighting Division has three shifts (A, B and C), with over 400 Firefighters assigned to each shift. This allows the department to have about 280 Firefighters on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The city is divided into eight geographical areas or fire battalions including Sky Harbor International Airport. Each fire battalion has three Battalion Chiefs, with each being assigned to one of the three shifts. Each Battalion Chief reports to either North or South Shift Command Deputy Chiefs. There are 6 Shift Commanders. More History
Phoenix Fire Department policies and procedures.
Risk Management Statement:
We will begin our response on the assumption that we can protect lives and property.
We will risk our lives a lot, if necessary, to protect savable lives.
We will risk our lives a little, and in a calculated manner, to protect savable property.
We will not risk our lives at all to protect lives or property that are already lost.