Fire Safety Information
Survival and safety in the concrete jungle. The modern urban environment is full of opportunities for bad things to happen. Crime, violence, natural disasters, crashes, and fires are real life possibilities for which few people are prepared. The Phoenix Fire department encourages everyone to be as prepared as possible.
Due to budgetary constraints we no longer have brochures available. Please feel free to print as many copies as you need.
Learn more below.
- Battery Safety
- BBQ Safety
- Bicycle Helmets
- Bicycle Safety
- Boating Safety
- Burn Injuries
- Bus Safety
- Camping
- Child Safety Seats
- Deep Fryers
- Desert Survival
- Register Your Cell Phone for Emergency Notifications
- Emergency Transportation Services
- Fireworks Safety
- Heat Stress
- Infectious Diseases
- Monsoon Safety
- Safety on the Move
- Outdoor Safety
- Pedestrian Safety
- Playground Safety
- Seatbelts and Airbags
- Seat Belt Law FAQ
- Smoke Alarms Save Lives
- Stupid Motorist Law
- Traffic Safety