The Phoenix Residential Investment Development Effort (PRIDE) is a private non-profit, non-stock corporation created in 1989 to assist in the community's efforts to provide affordable housing within the Phoenix corporate limits. The corporation was organized to pursue development and/or acquisition opportunities that will promote or increase the supply of housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households. PRIDE will undertake projects for its own account, under contract or in conjunction with the City of Phoenix, or as a joint venture partner with other corporate or private entities.
Phoenix Residential Investment Development Effort

The primary organizational goals of PRIDE are:
- To develop, promote and otherwise assist in the establishment and operation of low or moderate income housing.
- To combat community deterioration.
- To secure adequate housing, community facilities and other related facilities and services conducive to the progress and general welfare of the City of Phoenix.
Board Members
- Karl Obergh (President)
- Linda Jensen (Secretary)
- Del-Monte Edwards (Treasurer)
- Michael Axelrod
- Kaylyn Adams
PRIDE Activities
PRIDE exists to provide funding and/or leverage to support Housing Department activities. Recent activities include:
- Community Land Trust Pilot Program with Newtown CDC (Learn about CLT)
- Annual sponsorship for youth to attend summer camp at Camp Colley
- Soccer field at Sidney P. Osborn Public Housing
- Outdoor furniture for senior housing
- Security deposits for HOPWA tenants (Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS)