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    City of Phoenix Offers Up to $3,000 in Incentive Pay to Certified Aquatics Staff

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    ​The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department is offering up to$3,000in incentive pay for certified aquatics staff. The department needs to hire pool managers, assistant managers and hundreds of lifeguards ahead of the 2025 pool season to safely open as many of the City's 29 public pools as possible.

    Eligible certified managers and assistant managers will receive a total $3,000 in incentive pay; while eligible certified swim instructors will receive a total of $2,000, eligible certified lifeguards will receive a total of $1,500 and eligible certified shallow water lifeguards will receive a total of $1,000. Managers and Assistant managers will receive $500 on the first paycheck in June, and the remaining incentive as a one-time payment at the end of the 2025 pool season, while all lifeguard positions will receive $250 on the first paycheck in June with the remainder at the end of the 2025 pools season. 

    To receive the pay, a person must become certified as a lifeguard, work the entire summer, work a minimum of three days in August and finish in good standing. The department is also offering a $250 employee referral payment.

    Lifeguard interviews will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025.

    Returning for the third year, the department is offering a 'Shallow Water Lifeguard' position. Shallow-water lifeguards will guard four feet of water and under.

    The incentive pay reimburses individuals for the cost and time spent obtaining the lifeguard certification and compensates them for the skill sets needed to keep our community safe.  The hourly rates per position, are listed below:

    • Pool Managers: $23.74/hour or $26.18/hour
    • Assistant Pool Managers: $21.54/hour
    • Swim Lesson Instructor: $19.54/hour
    • Lifeguards: $17.72/hour
    • Shallow Water Lifeguard: $16.88/hour

    Get certified now so you are ready to interview on March 22, 2025! Certification classes have already begun and are available for registration at multiple locations through March. Lifeguards must complete the necessary training during the scheduled class times.

    Benefits of being a certified lifeguard:

    1. $1,500 incentive pay
    2. $17.72 an hour base pay
    3. Learn lifesaving skills
    4. 4. Work in your neighborhood
    5. Keep your community safe and be a role model for kids
    6. Looks great on a college application or resume, demonstrates teamwork, responsibility, and leadership skills
    7. Meet other dedicated people
    8. Flexible summer shifts, ideal for students
    9. Have fun!

    StarGuard Training for lifeguard certification is required to become a lifeguard with the City of Phoenix. Those interested in becoming a lifeguard should register for a certification class right away. Applicants must be at least 15 years old.  

    Learn more about becoming a Phoenix Lifeguard at