In the Home
Take a few minutes to find out your carbon footprint with EPA's Household Carbon Footprint Calculator
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.
Learn what can and cannot be recycled in Phoenix
Schedule a home pick-up for household hazardous waste items
Learn more about composting and check if you are eligible for the Green Organics Curbside Collection program
Use an electric leaf blower and lawn mower - Maricopa Country Mowing Down Pollution program offers up to $200 in vouchers when you recycle your old gasoline powered equipment
Install clean energy technologies like rooftop solar on your home - learn more from APS and SRP
Replace indoor and outdoor lights with LED bulbs
Purchase Energy Star appliances and equipment
Unplug electronic appliances when not in use and set the thermostat to use less heat and air conditioning
Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.
Calculate your water usage with the Phoenix Water Services tool
Learn more about water resources and conservation
Reduce your water usage - turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shorten your shower and landscape your yard with desert plants and xeriscaping
On the Move
Drive less. When possible, walk, ride a bike, carpool, vanpool or use public transportation.
Commit to One Day and help keep ozone away
Plan a Trip using Valley Metro bus and light rail
Ride on one of four free circulator routes in Downtown Phoenix, Ahwatukee, Maryvale and Sunnyslope
Use an e-scooter or bike share for short trips
At Work
Schedule options include telework, flextime and a compressed work schedule
Utilize RAPID and Express routes to get to work
Turn off your computer when you step away from your desk, or have it set to power down after 30 minutes or less of inactivity
Choose a re-usable coffee mug and water bottle
Break the paper habit - use and print less paper in the office or use 100% postconsumer recycled content rather than produced with virgin materials