All rates and service charges are due and payable when rendered. Payments must be received by the due date printed on the bill. If payment is not received by the due date, the account is considered delinquent and subject to a late fee of three percent (3%) per month assessed on the delinquent amount, all late fees, and the current amount due. (Phoenix City Code, Chapter 27, Sec. 27-49)
Solid Waste Rates

Monthly solid waste fees are established by the City Council as part of the annual budget process. All residential units that are eligible for city solid waste services shall pay the fees as established.
2025 Update
The 2% Solid Waste fee increase went into effect on January 1, 2025. This annual inflationary increase was approved by the City Council in 2020. The approved rate increase ensures solid waste services continue to be provided efficiently and cover the operational costs associated with the solid waste program for all rate-paying customers.

Do you need to change your container size, request a repair, or add a service?
Check out the resources below!