​​The 2% Solid Waste fee increase went into effect on January 1, 2025. This annual inflationary increase was approved by the City Council in 2020. The approved rate increase ensures solid waste services continue to be provided efficiently and cover the operational costs associated with the solid waste program for all rate-paying customers.​​

Solid Waste Rates

Chapter 27 City Ordinance ​Recycling containerLandfill containerGreen organics container


2025 Rate Schedule
Monthly solid waste fees are established by the City Council as part of the annual budget process.
  • All residential units that are eligible for city solid waste services shall pay the fees as established.​

All rates and service charges are due and payable when rendered. Payments must be received by the due date printed on the bill. If payment is not received by the due date, the account is considered delinquent and subject to a late fee of three percent (3%) per month assessed on the delinquent amount, all late fees, and the current amount due. (Phoenix City Code, Chapter 27, Sec. 27-49)

​Requesting Containers for a New Build

If you moved into a newly built home, please remember to call the Public Works Department at 602-262-6251 to request delivery of your trash and recycling curbside containers. It could take up to five business days for your bins to arrive.

​Save As You Reduce & Recycle (SAY R&R) - Exchange Container Size

For households that don’t produce enough trash to fill a large trash container (good for you!) every week, consider the SAY R&R program. This program offers residents with curbside collection the option to downsize their current large trash container to a medium size for a monthly savings of $3 on their solid waste bill. A large container can fit up to five 13-gallon size bags, while a medium container can fit four. The only requirement: the household must be enrolled in the city’s recycling program. 

  • Customers can upgrade their medium container to a large for an additional charge of $3 per month.    
  • Cancellation of either the SAY R&R program or the Green Organics Curbside Collection program may result in a $10 "return fee" 

Additional Containers

  • Residents may request additional large trash containers (black) for a monthly fee of $18.30​/month
  • Residential customers may have up to two large recycling containers (blue) at no extra cost.  Monthly fees may apply for the third, and any additional recycling containers.​
  • Green organics containers have an additional monthly fee of $5 per container requested.

Container Repair or Replacement

All containers issued by the City for use in conjunction with an automated loading device shall remain the City's property. The City is responsible for repairs to the City-owned containers when damage is caused during normal usage. Containers shall be secured, between collection days, in such manner that they are not readily susceptible to theft or vandalism. Anyone found to have intentionally or negligently damaged a City–owned container shall be liable to pay the replacement or repair cost. (Phoenix City Code Chapter 27, Sec. 27-19, H)

When requesting a repair/replacement or size exchange for your container, please remember the following items:     

Curbside Containers

  • Container must be placed next to your home where it is visible and accessible from the street.
  • You may continue to use your container.
  • Bag and tie your trash.
  • Only place curbside if you are expecting service.
  • It will be exchanged within the next 1 to 7 business days
  • If you have a Home Owners Association (HOA), notify them that you are leaving your container out because you are expecting an exchange/repair from the city of Phoenix. 

Alley Containers

  • You may continue to use the alley container while the repair/replacement is in process.
  • Bag and tie your trash (​not recyclable materials). No further action is needed. 

Contact Us

Repair/replace c​ontainer, Add or change a service

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