Street Sweeping Schedule

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​​​​​​​​​Quarterly Residential Street Sweeping Schedule

Residential streets are swept quarterly. ​​

This map residential street sweeping dates.  Use this map to find your area on the schedule. Please note that this is a target projection. Every effort will be made to remain on schedule throughout the year. Keep in mind that unpredictable priorities such as storm debris removal after major rain events could alter this schedule.

2025 Street Sweeping Schedule/Map (PDF)

During the week your street is scheduled for sweeping:

  • Keep garbage receptacles out of the street on collection day - place them on the sidewalk next to the curb, not on the pavement.

  • Limit street parking as much as possible during normal working hours

  • Keep young children and pets away from the machine while it is in operation

Other sweeping services:

  • Major and collector streets within the City of Phoenix boundaries are swept every 14 days

  • Streets within the downtown business corridor are swept two times per week

Additional Information:

For more information on municipal street sweeping operations call 602-262-7194.

To request your street be swept please call 602-262-6441 (24/7) or use the Street Maintenance online request for​m to have the area assessed.