​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Local Food 2050 Goals​​

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Local Food 2050 Goals

Increase community access to fresh and healthy food by creating a vibrant food system.  Many residents live in "food deserts" where residents are more than one mile from fresh and healthy food.  In Phoenix there are 43 food deserts which are more than 75% of the total number of food deserts in Maricopa County.  By increasing neighborhood access to fresh and healthy food will improve community health and reduce diet-related disease. 

By 2050, we want to establish a sustainable, healthy, equitable, local food system by eliminating food deserts; increasing urban agriculture; establishing farmers markets in each of the City's urban villages; and significantly reducing the rates of hunger, obesity, and diet-related disease. 

For more information, please visit our Local Food Systems page​