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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Outdoor Conservation Resources

    Up to 70% of your water use is outdoors. Learn more at

    Did you know that on average, 65% of the water that we use at home is actually outdoors? The potential to save water can be just as big! Learn how to save money, water, and time by irrigating efficiently, and more!

    What About Lawns?

    What About Pools?

    If you are a Phoenix pool owner, you are not alone. Thirty percent of single family homes in Phoenix have pools. It's important to take care of your pool with proper maintenance to make sure it is safe for use and not a leaky drain on your budget. Sometimes in the course of maintenance, you may have to backwash or drain your pool water, which contains harmful potential pollutants, such as chlorine, salt, and potentially mosquito larvae. Be sure to follow proper guidelines when draining or backwashing your pool to prevent polluting a wash or the Salt River. Learn more about pool maintenance.

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    Getting help with landscaping and maintenance:

    Increase Your Water Savings with Desert-Friendly Plants

    Just by watering "by the weather," you have the potential to reduce your water use by 30 to 50%. But if you want to go a step further, then plant low-water-use and desert-friendly plants that require less care and less water. Desert plants are adapted to our soil conditions and to survive long periods of drought. And desert-friendly plants are so diverse that you can find a similar replacement for any high-water-use plant that you like. Planting desert plants will help you save water over the long-term, especially after plants are established (1 year for shrubs and 3 years for trees) and require less water.

    Landscape Watering Guidelines

    Four Quick Steps to Save Water Today

    1. Water your plants between sundown and sunrise to reduce water lost to evaporation.
    2. Water small plants (like groundcovers) to a depth of 1 foot, medium plants (like shrubs) to a depth of 2 feet, and large plants (like trees) to a depth of 3 feet.
    3. Water away from the trunk of a tree - at the drip line of your trees.
    4. Water by the weather by changing how frequently you water based on the time of the year.
    Landscape Watering Guidelines

    Water Wisely

    When you give your plants exactly the amount of water they need, when they need it, you save money, prevent a headache, and maintain healthy and beautiful plants.


    Plant Desert Friendly

    Let's face it - our soils are hard and rainfall is infrequent. We live in a desert. Fortunately, desert-friendly plants can provide all shapes and sizes and colors that can be used to create a beautiful landscape.

    Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert