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    banner for Residential Water Efficiency Consultation  webpage

    Conserve Water, Save Money, and Enhance Your Home's Water Efficiency

    Did you know that the City of Phoenix Water Services Department (WSD) provides a free consultation service to help customers lower their monthly water bill and promote resilience? WSD offers free Residential Water Efficiency Consultations to find leaks and evaluate water efficiency. 

    Why do I nee​d a Water Efficiency Consultation? 

    • Cost Savings: Identify ways to reduce your water bill through efficient and responsible water use. 
    • Leak Detection: Identify leaks at your home, whether in your irrigation system, pool, or throughout your property. Finding and fixing leaks can help you to save money and water.  
    • Water Saving Recommendations: Receive resources to improve your home’s water efficiency and optimize irrigation settings.
    • Environmental Impact: Be a part of Phoenix’s Culture of Water Conservation.

    What to Expect During Your Consultation:

    Our experienced Water Resource Specialists will perform a water efficiency assessment, including: 

    • Meter Read and Inspection: Identify and isolate outdoor leaks. 
    • Water Usage Analysis:  Problem solve with customer about ways to save water based on observations​​. ​

    If interested, please schedule a free Residential Water Efficiency Consultation

    Call us at 602-261-8367 or email us.