

About Us​

The Office of Refugee and Immigrant Support (ORIS) was established in March 2023 for the purpose of collaborating with internal City departments, local Resettlement Agencies and county, state, federal, and non-profit partners to devote resources to immigrant populations, regardless of immigration, refugee, or visa status. ORIS serves as a referral partner for individuals of diverse nationalities for services such as employment, healthcare, housing, and other programs for successful transition into the community. We help the City be prepared to welcome new immigrants by recommending policies and programs that connect residents to resources. ORIS will continue to strategically plan, evaluate needs and improve accessible City services for new and existing refugees and immigrants.​​​​​​

Spotlight Opportunities

Check out these local upcoming events, trainings, and information sessions:​​​​

Employment Services, Computer Classes, ESL Conversation at Ocotillo Library​

Refugee Career Pathway Certified Nursing Assistant​ Training Program​

We Can Help

  • If you are an immigrant or refugee, we can connect you to valuable resources to achieve self-sufficiency. We hope you feel empowered to engage in the civic and multi-cultural life of the City of Phoenix.
  • If you are a community-based or non-profit organization serving immigrants, we want to collaborate with you to better serve our shared clients. 
  • If you are a resettlement agency, we want to coordinate efforts with you and strengthen our existing partnership, so our refugee and immigrant community is better served.
  • If you are a government agency, office, or department, we can help develop a greater understanding of foreign-born populations and recommend strategies for meeting their unique needs, with a focus on long-term community and neighborhood integration.​​​

Connect with City and ​Community Resources


Helpful Information

​​Human Services Department Programs

​The Human Services Department provides a co​​mpreh​ensive array of services to help people meet emergency, short-and long-term needs, and help every individual reach their highest level of self-sufficiency.​ 

Learn about all of our programs

Headstart Birth to Five Program​

​Enroll a child aged birth to 5 years old in Headstart

​Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

​File your taxes for FREE with VITA​

​Landlord and Tenant Program​

​Receive coaching and education on your rights as a landlord or tenant in Arizona

Family Services Centers

​Receive urgent financial assistance and case management​

​​Phoenix Police Department Information

Police Chief's Advisory Boards

If you are a member of a refugee community or nonprofit organization interested in providing feedback on issues concerning cultural communities in Phoenix, we recommend connecting with the Police Chief's Advisory ​​Bo​ards (​​phoenix.gov). The Advisory Boards represent the following communities: African American, Arab, Asian, Cross-Disability, Faith Based, Hispanic, Jewish, LGBTQ, Muslim, American Indian, Refugee, and Sikh communities. 

​Translated Police Resources


​911 VS Non-Emergency

Child Abuse/Neglect

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police


​​911 VS Non-Emergency

Child Abuse/Neglect 

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police​


911 VS Non-Emergency

Child Abuse/Neglect

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police


911 VS Non-Emergency ​

Child Abuse/Neglect

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police​


911 VS Non-Emergency

Child Abuse/Neglect

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police​


​911 VS Non-Emergency

Child Abuse/Neglect

Domestic Violence

What to do When Stopped by Police​

Success Story

​Support Agencies​

Information About Your Immigrant and Refugee Neighbors

Woman selling vegetables in a basket at an outdoor market.

Phoenix 2014 Fac​t ​Sheet​​​​

Contact Us!

​For questions or additional information, please send us an email at oris@phoenix.gov​.