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    Political Committees​​​​​​​​

    All candidate committees and political action committees that are active in the City of Phoenix must register and file campaign finance reports with the City Clerk. Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) Title 16, Chapter 6​ ​​requires the following committee types to file a Statement of Organization with the City Clerk within 10 days after qualifying as a committee and file campaign finance reports:

    Please Note: The monetary threshold that requires registration for Political Action Committees ONLY increases by $100 in January of each odd numbered year, per A. R. S. §16-931.

    1. Candidate Committees: Candidates running for political office in the City of Phoenix who receive contributions or make expenditures, in any combination, of at least $500 in connection with that candidacy.

    2. *Political Action Committees: Entities that are both 1) formed for the primary purpose of influencing the outcome of an election, and 2) receive contributions or make expenditures, in any combination, of at least $1,400 in any connection with a City of Phoenix election during the calendar year.

    *Funds established by Corporations, LLC's, Labor Organizations and Partnerships for the purpose of influencing the result of a City of Phoenix election must file as a Political Action Committee.

    View Campaign Finance Reports and Filings

    To review campaign finance filings that have been made with the Phoenix City Clerk Department, please utilize the following search databases, or visit the City Clerk Department at 200 W. Washington St., 15th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003:

    Search current campaign finance filings, and campaign finance filings between Jan. 1, 2013 and Nov. 4, 2016

    Search campaign finance filings between Nov. 5, 2016 and May 26, 2017, and prior to Jan. 1, 2013


    Campaign Finance eFiling System for Committees

    All political committees that are active in the City of Phoenix must register with a Statement of Organization within 10 days of qualifying as a committee and file campaign finance reports. ALL campaign finance related filings must be made by using the​ City of Phoenix Campaign Finance eFiling system, including:

    Campaign Finance eFiling System

    1. Committee registrations,
    2. Amended registrations,
    3. Campaign finance reports; and 
    4. Committee terminations

    Campaign Finance eFiling User Manual is available, which provides instructions on how to register, file reports and navigate in the system. A list of the individual campaign finance reporting schedules​​​ and their titles is also provided as a reference.

    Four campaign finance reporting schedules are available to upload data using a formatted Excel template that must be downloaded from within the eFiling application. A manual​ on how to use these spreadsheets can be found here​​.

    To file using the eFiling System, a user login must be created with a valid email address, which will link to the email address that will be used on the committee's Statement of Organization. Separate email addresses for the Chairman and Treasurer (and Candidate for Candidate Committees) will need to be identified on the committee's Statement of Organization. While the committee Treasurer is responsible for filing the committee's campaign finance reports, the City Clerk Department encourages all committee members to register a user login in the system. A user login is not required for the public viewing of campaign finance filings.

    Once a registration/termination for a committee has been submitted in the system, the completed and signed document must be filed with the Phoenix City Clerk Department to complete the process. The completed and signed registration/termination may be submitted electronically to the Clerk's office by emailing it to​. It may also be mailed or delivered in person to the Phoenix City Clerk Department, 200 W. Washington St., 15th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003. Campaign finance reports that are filed in the eFiling System are considered filed once they are submitted in the system, and do not need to be separately emailed/mailed.

    Reporting Independent Expenditures

    Entities that are not formed for the primary purpose of influencing the outcome of an election, but that make Independent Expenditures (IEs) as defined by A.R.S. §16-901 (31) must file an expenditure report for any campaign finance reporting period in which an IE was made. All IE reports must be completed by using a fillable report form. IE reports may be filed electronically with the City Clerk via email at The expenditure report may also be mailed or delivered in person to the Phoenix City Clerk Department, 200 W. Washington St., 15th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003.

    When completing the report, the entity should indicate their name in the "committee name" field of the first page. The entity should also indicate "IE" in the Committee ID Number field on the top right of the report form on each page.

    Independent Expenditur​e Report Form (Only for IE entities)​​


    Election Funding Disclosure Reporting (Dark Money)

    The "Keep Dark Money Out of Local Phoenix Elections Ordinance" is intended to protect and promote the rights guaranteed by the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution,  secure the right of City of Phoenix residents to know the source of all major contributions made for the purpose of influencing the result of ​a local Phoenix election, to prevent actual corruption and its appearance, and to protect the integrity of Phoenix elections. ​​

    Election Funding Disclosure Report

    Any person, association of persons or entity, other than a registered candidate committee or political action committee, regardless of legal form, that makes an expenditure for the purpose of influencing the result of a local City of Phoenix election totaling $1,000 or more within an election cycle must file an Election Funding Disclosure Report with the City Clerk on the same date that the next Campaign Finance Report​​​ is due under state law.​

    ​48 Hour Disclosure: Any person, association of persons or entity, other than a registered candidate committee or political action committee, regardless of legal form, that makes an expenditure for the purpose of influencing the result of a local City of Phoenix election totaling $10,000 or more within 16 days prior to an election must file a 48 HOUR Election Funding Disclosure Report with the City Clerk within 48 hours of making the expenditure (excluding Saturdays/Sundays/legal holidays).​​​​​​

    ​​48 HOUR Election Funding Disclosure Report

    List of Dark Money Reports Filed

    For additional information, please contact the City Clerk Department at 602-262-6837, by email at or use the 7-1-1 Relay System.