Non-Hazard to Hazard Guide

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Transition Procedure:

Non-Hazard Zone to Hazard Zone

If an incident initially dispatched as a Non-Hazard Zone call on the 800MHz radio system is determined to be a Hazard Zone incident that will require a Hotzone to be established, the following procedure shall be utilized to transition from 800MHz to the VHF tactical radio:

Instruction Radio
1.  Incident Commander establishes the need to change from a Non-Hazard Zone incident to a Hazard Zone incident. 800MHZ
2.  Incident Commander notifies Alarm Room to assign a VHF channel to the incident. 800MHZ
3.  Incident Commander notifies all Company Officers involved on the incident of the change from 800MHz to the VHF channel assigned.  Emergency Traffic may be initiated by AHQ on the 800MHz radio if necessary. 800MHZ
4.  Incident Commander obtains Personal Accountability Reports (PAR) from all Company Officers involved with the incident. VHF
5.  Incident Commander relays Personal Accountability Reports (PAR) to Alarm Room. VHF
6.  Proceed to mitigate the incident VHF

VHF vs. 700/800MHz

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