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The official website of the City of Phoenix


Empowering our community through free tax preparation services.

The City of Phoenix Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program has three alternatives for filing taxes for those meeting eligibility requirements. Free services ensure all taxpayer's income, deductions, and allowable credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), a​re claimed and increase taxpayer education while promoting self-sufficiency. Save hundreds of dollars in paid preparer fees. First come, first served.

3 Tax Services

You have choices when it comes to getting your taxes done with VITA

3 Tax Services

Service Options

  • File your taxes for free with our easy-to-use software (income limit: $79,000 Adjusted Gross Income). 
  • Get step-by-step guidance and help from VITA volunteers for basic tax law questions.
  • ​Fast & Secure: File electronically and access your return anytime.
  • Available in Spanish
  • Requirements: Basic computer skills & last year’s tax return.
  • Email for free access
  • Watch a video to learn how to use the Do It Yourself system
  • Do It Yourself Instructions (PDF)
  • Do It Yourself Espanol (PDF)

Drop Off and In-Person Services:

  • Eligible residents can meet with an IRS-certified tax preparer at a VITA site.​
  • Our volunteers prepare and e-file returns for households earning $67,000 or less.

For fastest service, schedule an appointment online at your preferred location and time.

Phone Appointments: 

  • No internet? Call us at (602) 534-8359.
  • You may leave a voice message, A VITA volunteer will call back (from a blocked number) in a few days to determine your eligibility and schedule an appointment if you qualify. 
  • Please leave only one message.

VITA Client Instructions and Forms:

Document Checklist (English) / (Spanish) (PDF)

my free tax logo


  • provides step-by-step guidance to file federal and state returns online for free.
  • Get self-paced support with IRS-certified volunteers available via online chat.
  • All you need are basic computer skills to file from home.

IRS VITA Site Locator

Don't live in Phoenix and want in-person service? To find locations close to you, visit the IRS VITA Site Locator. 

Volunteer Button

Looking to Volunteer!

Volunteer to help residents with their yearly taxes. 

Volunteer Button

Contact Us

If you have further questions about this program, please contact us. 

Phone: (602) 534-8359, TTY 7-1-1