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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    WalkPHX: Self-Led Walking Paths

    Activate your fitness journey in a Phoenix park by joining FitPHX's WalkPHX program.

    A crowd of people walk away from the camera. They are all wearing white t shirts with the Walk Phoenix logo on it.

    Enjoy getting outdoors, being physically active, and spending time with family and friends by taking a walk in one of the city's many beautiful parks. Each park location has a mapped walking path with signage that indicates where to start and just how far you've gone. ​

    Self-led walking paths are located at parks throughout Phoenix

    Look for the WalkPHX signs!

    WalkPHX walking paths feature detailed route signage and mileage markers to help participants track their fitness goals.

    WalkPHX Partners

    Grant fund​ing from Coca-Co​la of Arizona and the Coca-Cola Foundation helped to establish WalkPHX.

    Additio​​nal program partners include Phoenix Children's Hospital/Kohl's Fit, University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, Phoenix Parks Foundation, World Fit/UnitedHealthcare, Knight Transportation, Berry Realty, Desert Ridge Community Association, Tatum Highlands, Maricopa County Health, and Arizona Nutrition Network, ParkRx, AZ Healthzone, PHXPlays.

    Interested in partnering to support the WalkPHX program? Call 602-262-6864.