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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Residential Additions and Remodels

    ​Residential construction permits are needed when existing homes are remodeled or additions are made. A few examples are: garage/carport construction or conversion, porch enclosure, demolition, patio cover and a fence or wall. For a detailed listing of the types of construction that requires a permit, see the Residential Single Family Construction Permit Guide (PDF).

    The following procedure outlines the plan review process for residential additions and remodels.

    1. The customer submits two sets of building plans to the residential permit counter, along with a completed Construction Permit/Plan Review Application (PDF). Staff reviews the submittal for completeness. If the proposed work is minor, it may be possible to issue an over-the-counter permit. If not, review fees will be collected and plans will be routed for review. If additional information is needed the customer will be asked to provide the information and return the submittal for review.

    2. Staff reviews the plans. If corrections are required staff will contact the customer to pick up the plans, make corrections and re-submit for review. When the plans are approved the customer will be notified that the plans are ready for issuance of a building permit.

    3. The customer pays the permit fees and the building permit is issued. 

    (Note: Grading and drainage or hill​sid​e permits, if required, must be obtained prior to issuance of the building permit.)​